John dewey

John Dewey 20 October 1859-1 June 1952

  • Inception and Education

    John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont on the 20th of October 1859. John Dewey father was a merchant by the name of Archibald Dewey and his mother was a homemaker by the name of Lucina Rich Dewey.
  • Education

    John Dewey was raised in Burlington while attending public school, he was also raised in a Congregationalist Church. While attending high school he studied two languages which were Greek, and Latin. Being a scholar at an early age Mr. Dewey graduated high school at the age of fifteen and college at in 1879 at the age of nineteen. After obtaining a degree he taught high school in Oil City, Pennsylvania. While he had a teaching job, he was studying philosophy with former H.A.P. Torrey in Vermont.
  • American Pragmatism

    John Dewey was one of America's early founders of Pragmatism. He was and still is arguably the most prominent intellectuals in America for at least half of the twentieth century.
  • Work

    John Dewey was able to impact the world with his theories and experiments with educational theories. His work with democratic theories had a huge influence in academic debates for decades. He created a scope of views in epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, religion, aesthetics, philosophy and logic which was never seen or heard of before. Dewey was once quoted saying “isolation of self from the world, of soul from body, [and] of nature from God”, in reference to New Englands religious coulture.
  • Family and work

    Dewey married a woman by the name of Harriet Alice Chapman. They had six children and one adopted child. Two of they're sons died at the early ages of eight and two. Dewey would go on to the head of the philosophy department at the University of Chicago which included Pedagogy. With other philosophers he hired and past students, they created “psychological functionalism”. While working in Chicago he founded The Labratory School which he used to test his psychological and educational theories.
  • A Change

    Due to conflicts in 1904 relating to his Laboratory School. Dewey resigned from the positions in Chicago and started working at the University of Columbia in the philosophy department. Dewey worked there until he retired in 1930, which led him to publish eleven books. Dewey started the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Association of University Professors, the American Philosophical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the New School for Social Research.
  • End Days

    During retirement, John Dewey went on to travel the world for two years visiting places such as Japan, China, Mexico, Turkey, South Africa, and the Soviet Union. Dewey's wife died in 1927, he then got remarried to Roberta Lowitz Grant in 1946. On June 1st 1952, John Dewey died of pneumonia in his home in New York City.