John Dewey(1859-1952)

  • Birth of John Dewey

    Birth of John Dewey
    John Dewey was born on October 20th, 1859 to Lucina Artemisia Rich (mother) and Archibald Dewey (father) in Burlington, Vermont.
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    Prior to 1875: John Dewey attended Burlington Public School 1875: Graduated from high school at the age of 15. 1875: Enrolled into the University of Vermont. 1879: Graduated from University of Vermont with a degree in Philosophy. 1884: Received a Ph.D from John Hopkins University.
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    Teaching Careers

    1879: Assistant principal at a seminary in Oil City, Pennsylvania.
    1881: Principal at Lake View Seminary, Charlotte, VT.
    1884: Accepted instructor position in philosophy at University of Michigan.
    1888: Taught for one term at the University of Minnesota.
    1889: Returned to University of Michigan to continue teaching.
    1894: Accepted chairman position of the department of philosophy at the University of Chicago.
    1904: Accepted Professor of Philosophy position at Columbia University.
    1929: Retired
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    Personal Life

    1886: John Dewey married Alice Chipman
    1927: Alice Chipman died
    1946: John Dewey married Roberta Lowitz Grant Children;
    1887: Son Frederick Archibald Dewey was born
    1889: Daughter Evelyn Riggs Dewey was born
    1892: Son Morris was born.
    1896: Son Gordon Chipman Dewey was born
    1897: Daughter Lucy Alice Dewey was born
    1898: Adopted son Sabino Lewis Dewey was born
    1900: Daughter Jane Mary Dewey was born
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    John Dewey published approximately 700 articles in 140 journals and roughly 40 books between 1887-1950. His most recent book was published two years before he died.
    A few books that he wrote were;
    How We Think, published in 1910
    Experience and Nature, published in 1925
    Knowing and the Unknown, published in 1949
  • Cofounded Elementary School

    Cofounded Elementary School
    In 1849, John Dewey and his wife Alice Chipman founded their own experimental primary school, the University Elementary School, at the University of Chicago. Their goal was to test Deweys' educational theories.
  • Elected President of APS

    Elected President of APS
    in 1899, John Dewey was elected president of the American Psychological Association.
  • Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education

    Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
    One of John Deweys' major books that was published was Democracy and Education. This book was published in 1916 and it tries to expand the educational philosophies of both Plato and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Trip to China

    A few days after his arrival in China, students protested against the decision of allies in Paris, handing over Shandong Province to Japan. John Dewey was moved by this action and decided to extend his trip until July 1921. During this time, he gave over 200 lectures, all in English and his former student Hu Shih interpreted for him.
  • Invited to Turkey

    In 1924, John Dewey was invited to Turkey in order to recommend educational policies.
  • Invited to the USSR

    In 1928, John Dewey was invited to the USSR to visit a number of schools and give his feedback on their policies.
  • Appointed to the board

    Appointed to the board
    After his trip to the USSR, he returned back home in 1929 and was appointed to the board of the First Humanist Society of New York.
  • Trip to South Africa

    John Dewey attended the World Conference of New Education Fellowship. During this trip, he also visited schools in South Africa and Rhodesia where he gave lectures to teachers and administrators.
  • Copernican Citation

    Awarded Copernican Citation, 400th anniversary of death of Copernicus
  • Death of John Dewey

    Death of John Dewey
    92 year old John Dewey died on June 1st, 1952 of pneumonia in New York, New York.
    He was buried in an alcove on the north side of the Ira Allen Chapel In Burlington, Vermont.
  • Works Cited Editors. “John Dewey.”, A&E Networks Television, 2 Apr. 2014, “John Dewey.” John Dewey My Pedagogic Creed, Levine, Barbara. Chronology of John Dewey's Life and Work. Southern Illinois University , 30 Nov. 2016,“