Karl Popper
In 1928 Karl Popper graduated with his PhD in Philosophy. While writing his dissertation on “the problem of method in the psychology of thinking” this was dealt with the psychology of discovery and thought (Thornton, 1997). A few years later Popper published a book which he discussed his thoughts on the philosophy of science and the importance of falsification. Falsification must correspond to a true hypothesis observation and proven false or successful
Thornton, Stephen. "Karl popper." (1997). -
Philosophy of Sceince
In 1935 Popper published a book called Logik der Forschung-Philosophy of Science. In the book Popper discussed his first detailed importance of falsification and scientific methodology. He stated that all scientific knowledge is tentative. He also states, that all scientific truth, and laws of nature can be wrong, that it could be falsified.
Popper, Karl. The logic of scientific discovery. Routledge, 2005. -
The Open Society
In 1945 Karl Popper's book 'The Open Society' was published. This book was named one of the mos influential books of the decade. Its said that this book is responsible for the phrase 'open society' today (Press, 1994). Press, The Associated. “Sir Karl Popper Is Dead at 92; Philosopher of 'Open Society'.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Sept. 1994, www.nytimes.com/1994/09/18/obituaries/sir-karl-popper-is-dead-at-92-philosopher-of-open-society.html. -
Karl Popper Death
Karl Popper died on September 17, 1994 by complications of cancer, pneumonia, and kidney failure. He died at the age of 92. Popper was born in Austria but had worked in England. He was married to Josefine Henninger. Press, The Associated. “Sir Karl Popper Is Dead at 92; Philosopher of 'Open Society'.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Sept. 1994, www.nytimes.com/1994/09/18/obituaries/sir-karl-popper-is-dead-at-92-philosopher-of-open-society.html.