John caboto

John Cabot

  • Jan 14, 1450

    John Cabot is born

    John Cabot is born
    No one knows the exact date that he was born. He was born in Italy.
  • Period: Jan 16, 1450 to Jan 16, 1499

    Personal dates

    I don´t actually know which date does John Cabot born and die.
  • Jan 16, 1461

    John Cabot moved in his childhood

    John Cabot moved to Venice with his family. John cabot helped with the family spice trading business.
  • Jan 16, 1474

    John Cabot's Wedding

    John Cabot's Wedding
    John Cabot married a girl called Mattea. John and Mattea Cabot had three sons called Ludovico, Sebastiano and Sancto.
  • Mar 28, 1476


    John Cabot obtained Venetian citizenship and was naturalized on March 28, 1476.
  • Jan 16, 1490

    John Cabot moved again

    John Cabot moved again
    John Cabot moved with his wife and sons to the sea port of Bistrol in England
  • Mar 5, 1496

    The hiring

    The hiring
    The English King Henry VII granted John Cabot the right to ´seek islands and countries of the heaten towards the west, east and north´ sailing under the english flag
  • May 2, 1497

    First voyage

    First voyage
    John Cabot boards his ship, The Matthew, to explore the lands across the Atlantic, hoping to find a north west passage to the Indies and China and he returns in the 26 of June
  • Jun 9, 1497

    New world

    New world
    John Cabot reaches the New world-at either Cape Breton Island or Labrador.
  • Aug 6, 1497

    A great return.

    A great return.
    John Cabot and his crew of the Matthew land in Bistrol and achieved great fame and glory. He was given money for having ´´found the new isle´´ and King Henry VII also granted him a pension.
  • Jan 18, 1498


    Cabot reaches the east coast of Greenland which he named Labrador´s land.
  • Feb 3, 1498

    Second voyage

    Second voyage
    John Cabot granted another patent to undertake a second expedition. John Cabot assembles a small fleet of 5 ships and 300 men.
  • Jun 11, 1498

    The last voyage

    The last voyage
    The journey was made difficult by icebergs and the cold.The crews mutinied and refused to proceed farther north so John Cabot had no alternative but to turn South along the coast of Greenland. He crossed the Davis Strait on to Baffin Land on to Newfoundland and followed the coast Nova Scotia and New England.
  • Jul 25, 1498

    Across the Atlantic

    Across the Atlantic
    The fleet headed north then sailed along the east coast of America past Newfoundland.One of the ships had to go to an Irish port because of damage. The remainig four ships of the John Cabot fleet continue their journey across the Atlantic.
  • Mar 19, 1499

    The death of John Cabot

    There is no record of his death. We know his pension continued to be paid until 1499. It remains a mystery when and where does he dies