John Brown Timeline

By MissAC
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    May 1800

    John Brown is born in Torrington, Connecticut.
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    War of 1812

    John Brown stays at a slaveowners house. Brown is treated well, but watches the owner complete inhumane acts towards his slave. This stay will forever stay with Brown.
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    21 June 1820

    John Brown marries Dianthe Lusk
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    14 June 1833

    John Brown marries Mary Day. Mary takes care of Brown's five children and together they have 13 more children.
  • January 1836

    Brown moves his family to Franklin Mills, Ohio.
  • 7 November 1837

    After an anti slavery newspaper publisher is murdered Brown made a vow to end slavery.
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    Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

    The people will decide by popular vote whether to be "free" or "slave."
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    January 1858

    Brown attacks two homesteads and frees eleven slaves.
  • 1859

    Brown meets several people that join his cause and attempts to liberate as many slaves as possible during this time.
  • 16 October 1859

    John Brown attacks the armory at Harpers Ferry.
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    2 December 1859

    John Brown is hung.
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    28 September 1842

    John Brown losses everything due to bankruptcy