John Brown

  • Birth

    John Brown was born was born May 9, 1800 in Torrington Connecticut. He was the son of Owen Brown, an abolitionist. He and his father then moved to Ohio where he would grow up.
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    At age 12 John Brown lodged with a slave owner. This slave owner in fact had slaves at that time. John Brown witnessed many beatings of the slave with said to be a metal shovel. He was scarred, and this changed his life forever.
  • Marriage

    John Brown Marries Dianthe Lusk. Together they have 5 children. Brown loves his children very much and raises them as abolishinist.
  • Moving Away

    Moving Away
    John Brown moves to pennsilvainia because of economic struggles. There his wife dies leaving 5 kids.
  • Remarriage

    John Brown remarry's Mary Day who is supported to John Brown's abolishinest beliefs.
  • Life as an Abolitionist

    Life as an Abolitionist
    In springfield Massachusetts, John Brown meets with Fredrick Douglas. There he talks about plans to help free slaves. Not meeting none for with Fredrick Douglas however.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    After the Kansa-Nebraska Act is published and put into act, John Brown and 5 of his sons arrive in Kansa. Here they go door to door asking if the people are pro-slavery or anti-slaver. If they say pro-slavery, he takes them out in there front yards where he kills them with broad swords.
  • Publisity in the North

    Publisity in the North
    Word gets around that John Brown had started the violence in Kansas. The North supports his act and he becomes part of a band called the "Secret Six". He is seen as a hero in the North.
  • Continue's to fight for Slaves

    Continue's to fight for Slaves
    John Brown continues to fight for slaves emancipation, by freeing 11 of them in Missouri. He leads a band of a few men including his sons and kills the slave owners. Then he goes on to lead the slaves to Canada.
  • Attack on Harper's Ferry

    Attack on Harper's Ferry
    In 1859 John Brown raid's Harper's Ferry in virgina, with 21 other men including his own sons and two former slaves. The plan is to have slaves come up to it, gather arms and go down to the south and kill the former slave owners. They are sucessful in getting the fort. However the revolt never happens.
  • Capture

    John brown is capture by U.S and soon to be Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Here Robert E. Lee kills many of Browns men and takes Brown as a prisoner.
  • Period: to

    The Last Speech

    On November 2 he uis found guilty of treason murder and thievery. He is sentenced to hanging. Later he writes a speech in prison, and reads it to the Journey. This is known as one of the top ten speeches in American History. He is then Hung and killed as a hero to the North
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Civil War Begins, just 16 months after John Brown dies.