John Adams- Struggles and Accomplishments.

By umab
  • John Adams is born!!

    John Adams is born!!
    In Braintree ( now Quincy), Massachusetes.
  • John Adams Graduates College!

    John Adams Graduates College!
    Alumni of Harvard University.
  • Marries Abigal Smith!

    Marries Abigal Smith!
  • First son John Quincy Adams is Born

    First son John Quincy Adams is Born
  • Boston Tea Party.

    Boston Tea Party.
  • Adams wrote a note to his wife...

    Adams wrote a note to his wife...
    "The most memoriable epoch in the history of America has begun" John Adams wrote this to his wife while he was writing to Decleration of Independence.
  • Decleration of Independence is put into action.

    Decleration of Independence is put into action.
    Now this date is celebrated for America's birthday/ independence day.
  • John Adams went to Paris.

    John Adams went to Paris.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed!

    Treaty of Paris is signed!
  • Adams became US minister to England

    Adams became US minister to England
  • John Adams presents his credentials to King George iii

     John Adams presents his credentials to King George iii
  • The Constution is signed.

    The Constution is signed.
  • Adams returns from Britain.

    Adams returns from Britain.
  • John Adams American Diplomat ending year.

    John Adams American Diplomat ending year.
  • John Adams is elected first Vice President.

    John Adams is elected first Vice President.
    George Washington is president.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
  • Farmers Protest the ban of Whiskey.

    Farmers Protest the ban of Whiskey.
    This is known as the Whiskey Rebellion.
  • Battle of the Fallen Timbers

    Battle of the Fallen Timbers
  • Jay's Treaty is signed.

    Jay's Treaty is signed.
  • Pickney's Treaty is signed.

    Pickney's Treaty is signed.
  • Elected second president!

    Elected second president!
    First real elected president.
    VP was Thomas Jefferson.
  • John Adams is Elected President!!

    John Adams is Elected President!!
  • XYZ affair is signed

    XYZ affair is signed
  • Alien and Sedition Act

    Alien and Sedition Act
  • Virginia and Kentucky Plan is planned and signed.

    Virginia and Kentucky Plan is planned and signed.
  • John Adams dies :(

    John Adams dies :(