
John Adams Life

  • John addams was born

    John addams was born
    The birth of America's second president.
  • Abbigail addams was born

    Abbigail addams was born
    This is when the birth of John adams wife was born.
  • Adams married

    Adams married
    John and Abigail Addams Wedding aniversery is today.
  • stamp act repealed

    stamp act repealed
    a british official was wounded by angry people protesting against the taxes on anything that used stamps.
  • John Adams daughter, nabby (short for Abbigail), was born

    John Adams daughter, nabby (short for Abbigail), was born
    The Adams beloved daughter Nabby was born.
  • John Quincy Adams is born

    John Quincy Adams is born
    The birth of the Adams first son, Quincy, was born today. (look at picture, add the captin "Ladies And gentlemen your new President!")
  • The Boston Masacre

    The Boston Masacre
    A squad of British soldiers, come to support a sentry who was being pressed by a snowballing crowd, let loose a volley of shots. Three people were killed immediately and two died later of their wounds.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    People dumpecd tea into their harbor to protest against taxes on tea.
  • first contential congress philidelphia

    first contential congress philidelphia
    He attended the first meeting of the first contenential congress.
  • The Declaration of independance.

    The Declaration of independance.
    John Adams signed the dec. of independance.
  • Adams returns toParis for peace negotiations.

    Adams returns toParis for peace negotiations.
    Adams returned to Paris to take up his part in the peace negotiations during the revolutionary war (which was turning in our favor). Jefferson didn't travel to Europe and Laurens was in failing health after his release from the Tower of London, it was left to Adams, Jay and Franklin to represent American interests.
  • Adams was a diplomat in Europe-helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris

    Adams was a diplomat in Europe-helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris
    Adams served as a diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paries.
  • congress abolishes slavery

    congress abolishes slavery
    The Massachusetts Supreme Court abolishes slavery in Massachusetts. By year's end, all Northern states follow suit
  • The treaty of parris

    The treaty of parris
    Issued after British surrender at Yorktown.
  • Adams returns to Amsterdam

    Adams returns to Amsterdam
    Adams returns to Amsterdam where he negotiates a second loan with the Dutch.
  • Adams became the first american envoy to London.

    Adams became the first american envoy to London.
    He became the first minister (aka envoy) to london.
  • Adams elected as VP

    Adams elected as VP
    He was elected under Washington to be president if anything happened to Washington and he was nolonger fit to be president.
  • Adams establishes a new residence at Bush Hill.

    Adams establishes a new residence at Bush Hill.
    Adams travels between New York and Philadelphia to establish a new residence at Bush Hill.
  • Abigail Adams joins John Adams in Philadelphia.

    Abigail Adams joins John Adams in Philadelphia.
    She despises the city and leaves for Massachusetts after six months, vowing never to return. Adams will spend much of each year during his vice presidency at home with her.
  • the XYZ affair

    the XYZ affair
    Three people representing france came to the USA and demanded money in recompence for leaving them alone.
  • alien and sedition act

    alien and sedition act
    The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed by congress in preparation for an anticipated war with France. Federalists championed tighter restrictions for foreigners and critics of their policies.
  • Adams Travels to Trenton

    Adams Travels to Trenton
    Adams travels to Trenton to meet with his cabinet and dispatch commissioners to France, where there is growing political crisis
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Representatives of the United States and France conclude negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase, a massive land sale that doubles the size of the young American republic. What was known as Louisiana Territory comprised most of current day United States between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains, with the exceptions of Texas, parts of New Mexico, and other pockets of land already controlled by the United States. A formal treaty for the Louisiana Purchase.
  • John addams died

    John addams died
    I belive this one is self explanitory... he died