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John Adams Timeline

  • The birth of the Atlas of Independence

    The birth of the Atlas of Independence
    The birth of the 2nd president of the USA, John Adams. Quincy MA
  • Abigail Adams, the second lady's birth

    Abigail Adams, the second lady's birth
    John Adams wife, Abigail Adams is born. She will later become a symbol for women everywhere. Weymouth MA
  • Acceptance to Harvard

    Acceptance to Harvard
    After some large acres of land being sold by Johns father, he just barely got into the prestigious University of Harvard.
  • Graduating from Harvard

    Graduating from Harvard
    After Graduating John Adams became a lawyer. As a lawyer he will defend the British at the Boston Massacre.
  • John Adams SR.'s death

    John Adams SR.'s death
    The father of the 2nd president of the US, and grandfather of the 6th death. He helped in the creation of John Adams career as a lawyer. Quincy MA
  • The Wedding Bells

    The Wedding Bells
    John Adams gets married to Abigail Smith. This Marriage will result in the birth of the 6th president of the US
  • The Stampt act

    The Stampt act
    An act put on all documents saying that you must pay a tax to have them. Caused the colonies to form protests until it was repealed.
  • Abigail Adams Smith

    Abigail Adams Smith
    Abigail Adams Smith is born into the Adams' family. She later marries changing her name. Abigail Smith is the firth child of John. Quincy MA.
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams
    John Quincy Adams is born into the Adams' family. he will soon become the 6th president. Quincy MA.
  • Susanna Adams

    Susanna Adams
    Susanna Adams is born into the Adams' family. She sadly dies 2 years later. Suffolk MA.
  • A little Murder and a dash of Hate

    A little Murder and a dash of Hate
    The Boston Massacre occurred on this night, it killed multiple people causing some to colonists get angry with the British. But John Adams decided to defend to soldiers even though he hated them as well.
  • Charles Adams

    Charles Adams
    Charles Adams is born into the Adams' family. He went on to Harvard like his father did before him. Quincy MA.
  • Thomas Boylston Adams

    Thomas Boylston Adams
    Thomas Boylston Adams is born into the Adams' family. Quincy MA.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is written by Thomas Jefferson. It declared independence against the Country of Britain.
  • Land of the Free

    Land of the Free
    The Americans win the American revolution.
  • Susanna Adams Death

    Susanna Adams Death
    John Adams mom dies. Cared fore John and nurtured him into what he becomes. Quincy MA.
  • First then Second

    First then Second
    After being George Washington's Vice President, John Adams takes office in next election
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    A Bribery sandal from the French for a peace treaty.
  • Making a Militia

    Making a Militia
    John Adams creates a 80000 man militia in case of a war with France.
  • Secret War

    Secret War
    An undeclared naval war occurs with the French and America of the XYZ Affair.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Alien and Sedition Acts gave the government the power to deport people that disagree with the government. This later causes popularity problems for John.
  • Void Documents

    Void Documents
    Adams appoints George Washington to serve as commander of the United States Army. Treaties between the United States and France are void.
  • Another one bites the dust

    Another one bites the dust
    The grandson of Benjamin Franklin is arrested because of the Sedition Act for libeling President Adams.
  • Decided Victory

    Decided Victory
    The United States Navy gets its first true victory against France when the ship Constellation captures a French ship near the island of St. Kitts.
  • Treaty of Amity

    Treaty of Amity
    The Treaty of Amity between the United States and Prussia, Berlin, is created.
  • The First Resident

    The First Resident
    John Adams moves to the white house to be the first President to live in the new building.
  • A New Era

    A New Era
    Thomas Jefferson takes office in 1801 election.
  • A Proud Life

    A Proud Life
    Abigail Adams sad demise. This death but John into a deep depression. Quincy MA
  • A lifetime of accomplishments

    A lifetime of accomplishments
    The great life John Adams was a eventful one, but all good things must come to an end. Quincy MA
  • Great Mind, Great Life

    Great Mind, Great Life
    The death of the writer of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd president of the US. Monticello VA.