XYZ Affair
Intimate Enemies
Adams sent a delegation to Paris to negotiate with the French government about French warships seizing American ships. French delegates demanded ridiculous bribes to even consider negotiating with the United States. This infuriated Americans. Adams still refused to go to war because...
A) He didn't think the country had enough money to support a war.
B) He didn't believe the army would be strong enough to compete in European warfare.
C) He didn't want to be blamed for heavy losses in war. -
Naturalization Act of 1798
The first of four acts passed under the "Alien and Sedition Acts". It's purpose was to extend the duration of a residence required for aliens to become citizens of the United States from five years to fourteen years. Repealed and replaxed the prior Naturalization Act of 1795. -
Alien Act
The Alien Acts authorized the government to deport any aliens considered dangerous and to detain any enemy aliens in a time of war. The American people didn't like the Alien Acts because:
A) they felt that the government was being overpowering
B) they felt it took away some of their rights
C) they would have rather seen more attention being paid to fighting with other ccountries rather than within
D) All of the above. -
Sedition Act
Made it a crime to publish false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the government or certain officials. Caused widespread censorship and uproar because it went against the first Amendment. -
Kentucky Resolutions
Political statements saying that the "Alien and Sedition Acts" were unconstitutional. Written secretly by Thomas Jefferson. Kentucky State Legislature passed it. Caused many other states to believe that the Sedition Act was unconstitutional too. Helped Jefferson win the next election. -
Virginia Resolution
Resolution written secretly by James Madison stating that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. Passed by Virginia State Legislature. -
Convention of 1800
After the signing of the Convention of 1800, France & the US broke off their previous alliance but agreed to a “firm, inviolable, and universal peace, and a true and sincere Friendship between” themselves. This ended the Quasi war, but didn't end the conflict between parties in the states. Love/Hate Relationship between US and France