John Adams

  • Elected

    Adams is elected President with 71 electoral votes, needing one more for a majority. He won by the electoral votes by New England, winning other swing states.
  • Continental Congress

    John Adams joins the Continental Congress presenting as a Massachusetts delegate and later became a principal leader of Revolution. As well as assisted in drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776
  • Treaty of Paris

    John Adams help create the Treaty of Paris, which ends the American Revolution. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Adams negotiated the peace treaty with representatives of King George lll of Great Britain.
  • first U.S. ambassador

    Adams is appointed the first U.S. ambassador to Great Britain. His aim was to store the damage between the two countries by persuading Britain to open its ports to American products.
  • Alien and Sedition laws

    Congress passes the Alien and Sedition Acts, it raised the requirements for citizenship authorizing the President to deport aliens and permit imprisonment/deportation during wartime.
  • Becomes Vice President

    Adams becomes vice president under President George Washington. He did not assume an active role in Washington administration apart from his legislative and ceremonial responsibilities.
  • Adams vs. Jefferson

    Adams loses the presidency to Thomas Jefferson, each side believed that the other side will ruin the nation. The Democratic-Republicans had significantly broadened the old anti-federalist coalition. Ending the election as the first peaceful transition of political power between opposing parties.
  • Passing away

    Adams passes away in Quincy Mass