02 john adams

John Adams

  • Date Of Birth.

    John Adams was born on October 30th, 1735 in Braintree Massachusetts.
  • Education

    He graduated from Harvard in 1755.
  • Marriage.

    In 1764, Adams Married Abigail Smith.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Adams because a distant leading figure in the Townshend Acts.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Adams agreed to defend the British soldiers who fired on a Boston crowd known as the Boston Massacre.
  • Continental Congress

    He was elected to the Massachusetts delegation that joined the representatives in Philadelphia at the first Continental Congress.
  • Novanglus Essay

    This essay that he wrote in 1775 talked about how the Parliament didn't have the authority to tax the colonies or legislate them in any way.
  • Plan of Treaties with France.

    He drafted the Plan of Treaties that had a framework for a treaty with France.
    (Declaration of Independence happened this year too.)
  • Europe Trip.

    He sailed to Europe with his 10-year-old son John Quincy.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Adams came back from Europe and joined the Constitutional Convention in the summer of 1779.
  • Massachusetts Constitution.

    He drafted the Massachusetts Constitution in 1780, and it became a model for the other state constitutions. It also influenced the US constitution.
  • Period: to

    Paris France.

    Adams went back to Paris France and brought his two sons with him, Charles and John Quincy. Him and his sons were there for almost 5 years.
  • Election

    He was part of the Election of 1789. He lost to George Washington and became America's first vice president. (He didn't become president till 1796)
  • President

    John Adams became the 2nd president after George Washington decided to step down in 1796.
  • Peace Delegation to Paris.

    He sent a peace delegation to Paris to negotiate an end to hostilities, in 1797.
  • Period: to


    Retired at 65 years old and died at 90.
  • Back to Quincy.

    John Adams headed back to Quincy Massachusetts to retire.
  • Date Of Death.

    John Adams died on July 4th, 1826 in Quincy Massachusetts. It was also the Declaration Of Independence's 50th Anniversary.