John Adams

By ewill51
  • John Adams was born

  • Period: to

    John Adams

  • Graduates from Harvard

  • Marries Abigal Smith

  • Gives speech against Stamp Act

  • Elected to Masshuchsetts general court

  • Boston Tea party

  • Adams is sent from Masshuchsetts to firt contenetal congress

  • First contenental congress

  • The revolutionary war begins

  • Second contenental congress

  • Adams elected Washington to commander in chief

  • Congress approves Declaration of Independence

  • Adams went to France + Britian to negotiate foerign relations

  • Adams writes new constitution for Masshuchsetts

  • Adams, Jay, and Franklin go to Paris to work out treaty

  • Treaty of Paris ends Revolutionary war

  • Articles of confederation written

  • U.S. constitution approved

  • First presidential election

  • John Adams becomes Vice president

  • John Adams becomes President first from the federalist party

  • Adams avoided war with France

  • First 2 party election

  • Adams reconciled friendship with Thomas Jefferson

  • John adams died