Birth of a country

John A. MacDonald, Birth of a Nation

By ascs17
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The war of 1812, was a battle between the United States and the United Kingdom. This lasted 32 months, and no boundries were changed. These two countries later ended the war by signing the Treaty of Ghent.
  • The birth of John A. MacDonald

    The birth of John A. MacDonald
    John Alexander MacDonald was born in Glasgow, Scotland on January 11, 1815. His father was Hugh Macdonald who was an unsuccessful merchant, who married Helen Shaw on 21 October 1811. John A. Macdonald was the third of five children.
  • Period: to

    Education and Early Career

    When he turned 10, his family sent him to Midland District Grammar School in Kingston. Macdonald regretted leaving school at age 15. Macdonald began his apprenticeship with George Mackenzie, a young lawyer. Mackenzie practised corporate law, a speciality that Macdonald himself would later pursue.
  • Upper and Lower Canada Unite

    Upper and Lower Canada Unite
    Upper and Lower Canada merged when the Union act came into force. This happened by destoying the separate parliments of Upper and Lower Canada, and replacing it with one.
  • John A. Macdonald Becomes Premier

    John A. Macdonald Becomes Premier
    After John A Macdonald came back from Britain to promote Canadian government projects, John A. Macdonald was elected Premier. The vote was 9 to 1,189.
  • Clear Grits Join Reform Party

    Clear Grits Join Reform Party
    In 1857, the Clear Grits came under the leadership of George Brown. They later joined the Reform Party now known as the Liberal Party of Canada.
  • Ottawa Becomes Capital

    Ottawa Becomes Capital
    The province of Canada could not decide on the capital, so John A. Macdonald turned to Queen Victoria.Ottawa was selected by Queen Victoria in 1857 to become capital.
  • John A. Macdonald is Overthrown

    John A. Macdonald is Overthrown
    John A. Macdonald is defeated by two votes. He accepted George Brown's proposal of a "Great Coalition" government, but ended up being outvoted.
  • Confederation gets Approved

    Confederation gets Approved
    Canad's Legislative Assembly approves the confederation. The vote was 91 to 33
  • The BNA Act

    The BNA Act
    During this time, the bill was signed by Queen Victoria, John A. Macdonald became prime minister.