Johann Sebastian Bach is born.
Period: to
Bach's LIfespan
Bach attended school for religious isntructions.
Mother died
Father died
Bach landed his first job as musician.
Bach disappered for months.
Bach married Maria Barbara Bach
Bach left Arnstadt for a organist position at the Church of St. Blaise in Mühlhausen
Bach accepted a position with Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen.
Maria Barabara Bach dies
Marries Anna Magdalena Wuleken, 2nd wife
Bach created a series of orchestra concertos.
The prince dissolved Bach's orchestra
Bach began losing hsi eyesight.
Bach performed for the king of Prussia
Bach started a new composition called "The Art of Fugue, but he did not complete it.
Bach finished Mass in B minor.
Bach went ot have surgery to recover eysight.
Bach dies