End of Holy Roman Empire - Germany is divided into numerous states
Johann Sebastian Bach is born in Eisenach Germany
Johann Sebastian Bach is born in Eisenach Germany -
Period: to
Bachs life
Grand Alliance formed
The death of Bach's mother, Maria Elisabeth Lämmerhirt
Bach's mother died of illness from the filthieness of the town -
Witch hunts in Salem Massachussetts
The death of Bach's father, Johann Ambrosius Bach
Bach's father dies by the same way of his wife -
Yale College is founded
Bach took a post as organist in his church
Bach conducted his first Cantata at the inauguration of the TownCouncil in Muhlhausen
Bach was elected leader of the orchestra for the Court of Weimer
On this date Bach was elected learder of the orchestra for the Court of Weimer. -
Moved to Leipzig to work as director of Choir and Music
Worked as Cantor to the ChorMusiciLipsiensis -
Joseph Hayden born
Frederick the Great - sponsors the Arts
Benjamin Franklin invents a more efficient stove
Johann Sebastian Bach's Death
Died of a storke burried in St Johns Cemetary -
Wolfgang Mozart is born