
Jocelyn Ellison

  • Elevators/Lift

    Industrialist Elisha Otis, who installed the first passenger elevator in New York. They were all powered by steam engines and therefore slow. They could go up 40 feet per minute.
  • Baseball

    In the early 1800's these groups of men In New York started making up their own rules. It became the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club of New York; it was a mash-up of different games. Knickerbocker Rules, which set foul lines, the paces between bases, the limit of three outs, and the dodgeball-style rule that to get a runner out you could hit him by throwing a ball.
  • Great Fire of Chicago

    Great Fire of Chicago
    The population nearly reached 30,000 in 1850 and most of structures were made of wood. in the De Koven Street barn of Patrick and Catherine O’Leary, their cow started a fire. It became out of control causing destruction everywhere. The fire died out on the morning of October 10, wiping out 17,450 building which costed $200 million in damage.
  • Skyscrapers

    William Le Baron Jenney was an American civil engineer and architecture. Jenney designed the Home Insurance Company Building. It was considered to be the world's first tall building. It's supported by an exterior of iron and steel rather than by load-bearing walls.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    A French historian, Edouard de Laboulaye, made the proposal for the statue in 1865. Funds were contributed by the French people. They began working in France in 1875. In 1885 they completed it, weighing 225 tons and the height was 151 ft and 1 inch.
  • Camera

    The first camera was the Kodak camera, invented by George Eastman and was placed in the market in 1888. It was a simple handheld box camera containing a 100-exposure roll of film. It was only $25 with the film inside it already.
  • Basketball

    The game was created by James Naismith, a physical education instructor. On December 1, 1891, at the International Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). It gained popularity and was played often there; within a decade it was an official sport.
  • Airplane

    The 1903 Wright airplane was an extremely strong yet flexible braced biplane structure. The biplane structure was an airplane with two wings, one above the other.
  • Great San Fransico Earthquake

    Great San Fransico Earthquake
    A huge earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 happened on April 18, 1902, at 5:12 am. It was about 270 miles long, all the way to San Bautista in San Benito County to Humboldt County.
  • Sinking of Titanic

    Sinking of Titanic
    It was a British luxury ship, holding 3,300 people in it. it collided with an iceberg that caused the ship to sink on April 14–15, 1912. Killing about 1,500 passengers and ship personnel.