Jan 6, 1412
Birth of Joan
In Januray of 1412, Joan was born to Jacques d'Arc, a successful man of agriculture and in his town and Isabelle Romeé, a very religious woman. She was called Jeanette by everyone in her small french town called Domrémy, and was the middle of five children. She was born into a peasant family and worked hard alongside her siblings and parents and everyone in the community. She also grew up very religious and loved to pray. Source:(Lace 27-28) -
Period: Jan 6, 1412 to
Joan of Arc
Jan 1, 1415
Desposal of the Pope
Pope John XXIII is desposed in 1415 because of his alleged crimes. He was seen as an antipope and against the church. to this day, these claims arent supported much and are still in question. Source:(The Timetables of History) -
Jan 1, 1419
The portuguese begin building ships for exploration, leading the way. They travel down the coast of africa and begin claiming land. They even fight of the Canary Islands. This will become a lot more promininet throught the future but Joa's time is the beginning. -
Jan 1, 1420
Forbidden City
The forbidden city in Beijing, China is completed. The forbidden city is a palace built for the Ming emperors of China. Its original purpouse was to be an imperial place during the Ming Dynasty. Source:(The Timetables of History) -
Jan 1, 1420
Aztec and Incas
The aztec and Inca groups of indiginous people are living in the Americas at the time, In Joans lifetime, the reach the peak of their empires, dominating most of the southern Americas region. Joans period was before or around the period of colonization in foreign countris and these empires will be the fall to many european countries. -
Jan 1, 1421
The first patent is granted in Florence Italy in 1421. This is very important because patants are very commonly used nowadays. The patant was granted for a barge with hoists, using hauling marble -
Jan 1, 1425
In her early years, Joan began to have visions and hear voices from a divinbe power. They encourgaed her to tak up her place in the war and save France. One visit from St. MIcheal and St. Cathrine told her to go to the Dauphin, Charles, and request to allowed to help in the wars efforts and give the throne back to him. Internet Source:(Biography.com:Joan of Arc) -
Jan 1, 1425
Zen Temples
In japan, zen temples arre built using chinease influence. They import chinease literature, artistic styles and relgion. it shows thje spread of ideas starting to form within asia, that will eventually spread to europe. -
Feb 13, 1429
When Joan was a young teenager, she snuck out of home with the help of a relative in order to fufill her duty as savior of France. She journeyed to Vaucouleurs as per her visions told her to meet with the garrison commander and supporter of Charles. After refusing her requests of aid, he finally gave her a small force and a horse to get to Charles. She cut her hair and wore mens clothes in preperation for her royal meeting. Source: (Nichol 9) -
Mar 1, 1429
Meeting Charles
Joan arrived at the court of Charles to much surprise of everyone. It is said that she could identify him in a crowd of his his noblemen, disgused as them. He was wary upon speaking with her, but she gave incredible information about his prayers with God. He accepted her offer, and allowed her to join the army towards Orleans. Internet Source:(Biography.com:Joan of Arc) -
May 4, 1429
The Turning Point
Joan, along with several hundred men, traveled to Orlens, a city surrounded by the English. Upon arrival, she was told that no attcks were to happen until more reinforcements were recieved. One day, Joan suddenly had the inspiration to go and attack an English fort, that stirred up the French and allowed them to gain control. She continued onto the other forts, taking them by storm and quicking gaining the forts for the French.Internet Source:(Encyclopedia Brittanica.com:Joan of Arc) -
Jul 18, 1429
Charles takes the throne
The victory at Orleans prompted Joan to get Charles to his rightful place as king. Even though he trusted her enough in battle, he didnt trust her full judgement and hesitated, talking with his court. He eventually entered Reims and was crowned King Charles VII, alongside Joan, who was present at the ceremonies. Internet Source:(Encyclopedia.com:Joan of Arc) -
May 1, 1430
Joan recived an order from the king to attack Burgundians at Compiégne. She was thrown from her horse while defendimg the town and left outside the city walls. Joan was then captured by the Burgundians and sold for about 10,000 francs to the English. Internet Source:(History.com: Joan of Arc) -
Feb 21, 1431
After being handed over to the English, Joan was thrown in jail and summoned before judges many times. Each time she was accused of something and forced to the the truth, shed manage to do it in a way where she did not divulge private information about Chrles' conversations. She claimed that she was guarded by the divine, even asking to go to confession on numerous occassions and stayed true to her word even when they threatened torture. Internet Source:(Encyclopedia Brittanica.com:Joan of Arc) -
May 30, 1431
The Death Of Joan
Because of Joans refusal to admit guilt and defeat, she was sentenced to death on behalf of herecy, and recieved no help from King Charles the whole time. Joan was burned at the stake in Rouen in front of 10,000 people. She was only 19 at the time. Internet Source:(Biography.com:Joan of Arc) -
Saint Joan
20 years after the death of Joan, Charles VII investigated the trial of Joan of Arc. Her named was cleared and she was pronounced innocent. 500 years later, on May 16, Joan was canonized a saint by Pope Benedict XV and became the patron Saint of France. INternet Source:(Encyclopedia Bittanica)