Jan 6, 1412
Birth of Joan of arc in Domremy, France
on January 6th, 1412, Joan of Arc was born in Domermy, France to her mother Isabelle Romée and her father Jacques d'Arc. She had three brothers: Pierre d'Arc, Jacquemin d'Arc, Jean d'Arc, and one sister, Catherine d'Arc. she was born into a family of peasants, meaning she was born one as well. Her birth name was Jean d'Arc, but she thought Joan of Arc was a lot catchier. Source: (Peters 2-3) -
Dec 18, 1412
The fourth and greatest expedition of Zheng He occurs
On December 18, 1412, explorer and emperor Zheng He traveled with 63 ships and 28,560 people on his fourth ever expedition to find treasure and riches. He sailed to Hormuz in the Persian gulf. He succeeded and provided lots of wealth for his country. Source: (Kingserly 159) -
Aug 21, 1415
The Portuguese conquer Ceuta, Africa
On August 21, 1415, forty five thousand Portuguese men and 200 Portuguese ships caught Ceuta off guard and took over their land. The battle was anti-climatic because the Portuguese had a serious upper-hand against Ceuta. Ceuta was already in bad shape because they had been taken over in 740 and rebuilt in the 9th century, only 600 years before this attack. Portugal had a stronger army as well. Source: (Kingserly 159) -
Apr 6, 1422
Ottoman seiges Constantinople
April 6th, 1422, the Ottoman empire sieged the majority of land in Constantinople. The Ottoman Emperor, Manual II, attacked with cannons and took the land. Later in 1453, Mehmed II finished the job and took the rest of Constantinople's land Source: (Kingserly 160) -
Jan 1, 1425
Joan of Arc begins to hear voices
In 1425, Joan heard a man she thought was the voice of the arc angel, Michael. The voices told her that she was to make Charles VII king by defeating the English. Myths say that the voices told her English secrets and how to beat them in battle, but these are untrue. the only strange thing the Angel ever spoke of was that she felt that something bad would happen in Paris. Modern scientists have decided that she was most likely Schizophrenic, but you never know! Source: (History.com Staff) -
Jan 1, 1427
Portugal discovers Azores, North Atlantic
in 1429, Portugal discovered Azores in the North Atlantic. Henry the Navigator and his crew were the first to ever discover this land. This expanded Portuguese territory. Azores is still here today, mostly serving as a tourist sight. -
Jan 1, 1428
Le Dynasty gains independence from Vietnam
Back in 1428, the founder of Le Dynasty, Le Loi, made rebellious claims against China, the owner of Vietnam back in the 15th century. After long fights with China, they decided to let Le Dynasty become independent. Sadly, this did not last very long and China re-concord them a few years prior. -
Sep 1, 1428
Impoverishment triggers the Shocho uprising in Japan
in September of the year 1428, the peasants of Japan rose up and started a rebellion. They attacked the capital city, Kyoto, because of the unfair social class rankings and horrible economy problems for peasants. In the end, it failed, but that was only one of many rebellions that would occur in Japanese history. Source: (Kingserly 160) -
May 8, 1429
Joan of Arc defeats the English at the Siege of Orleans
After a long journey and help from God, Joan of arc arrived in Orleans on May 8th, 1429, when Joan was only 16 years old. She miraculously defeated the English in this battle with only her small army against the large English force. After the battle, she was praised for defeating the English in the astounding battle. Source: (Williams 131) -
Jun 17, 1429
Joan of Arc attends the corrination King Charles VII
On the 17th of June, 1429, Joan of arc attended the crowning of Charles VII. When she was a child, the voices told her that she would attend the coordination of the king, so she followed the voice's prophesy and came to watch. A theory is that when Joan first met Charles, she made a bet saying if she won the battle in Orleans, he had to invite her to see him become the king, but no one is certain this actually happened. Source: (History.com Staff 1) -
Aug 26, 1429
Joan of Arc planned an attack on Paris because the Burundians were invading it
On August 26, 1429 Joan planned an attack on Paris to rid it of the Burundians. the Duke of France was also assisting her with this. She was planning to go strait into town through the drawbridges and attack. Obviously later, this backfired and ended up assisting her downfall. Source: (History.com Staff) -
Sep 1, 1429
Joan of arc is captured by the Burgundians and sold to the English
In September of 1429, Joan was captured by German forces known as the Burundians. She planned on invading Paris to stop them from attacking France. She came in to the town through drawbridges, but the Germans closed them behind her and captured her. The voices she heard warned her that something horrible would happen in Paris, but she refused to listen because the voice was too vague. Source: (History.com Staff) -
Dec 1, 1429
King Charles declares that Joan or Arc and her family are raised to the nobility social class
December, 1429, was the date the Charles VII deemed Joan and her family part of the nobility class. Back then, being a noble was the second highest class you could be apart from king. You would have a lot more freedoms and rights than most. Because of Charles gratitude, not only did Joan have more rights as a person, but she was now more respected as a woman. Source: (History.com Staff) -
Jan 13, 1431
Joan of Arc's trial begins
On the thirteenth of January in 1431, Joan's trial began. After being captured and sold to the English, they brought her to court. they had a law that allowed all people to a right to trail, but the trials were still biased and unfair. All they found that she did wrong was impose as a man. they decided it was good enough, and sentenced her to life in prison, and later death. -
May 1, 1431
In fear of exicution, Joan of arc signed a document saying she agreed that she never heard voices of divine beings
In May, 1431, Joan signed a paper that said she never heard the voice of Michael or any angels. When imprisoned, she was afraid of being executed, so she signed without hesitation. Joan, however, grew up a peasant, so she could not read or wright. She signed anyway, unaware of what it said. When caught talking about her voices later on, she was sentenced to death, even though she never understood what she did wrong. Source: (Peters 3) -
May 30, 1431
Joan of arc is burned at the stake in Roven, France
On May 30th, 1431, Joan of Arc passed away from a painful death. When being tied to the stake that was to be set on fire, Joan asked one of the guards for a cross to hold as she died. Upon death, her painful last words were "My Voices did come from God and everything that I have done was by God's order". Even in death, she was still as courageous as the hero she was. Then much later in May 16th, 1920, she was declared a Saint. Source: (Ducksters)