Joan of Arc

  • Dec 17, 1412


    Joan D'Arc was born. She was the daughter of Jaques and Ysabeau D'Arc. She was born in Dormy, France. (
  • Dec 17, 1428


    Joan's first visit to Vancoulers, France. She went to see Sir Robert de Baudicourt. He was amused by her at first but was also impressed by her determination. He sent her to see King Charles VII to show him her gifts. (
  • Dec 20, 1428

    Giovanni Bellini was Born

    this is the year the Joan led French armies against England. Also, it is the year that Giovanni Bellini was born. He was one of the most influential Venetian painters of his time. (Grun 204).
  • Dec 17, 1429

    Met with Charles VII

    Met with Charles VII
    Joan met with Charles VII. She told him many secrets that he thought were only between him and God. He wasnt sure about her at first, but he put her through some challenges and she passed them. He let her suit up and go into battle . (
  • Dec 17, 1429

    Siege of Orleans

    Siege of Orleans
    Joan raised the Siege of Orleans. The French followed Joan into battle and captured the fortress of Saint Loup. They then proceeded to attack a fortress called Saint Jean de Blanc. The war council of this fortress wouldn't let Joan and her soldiers in, so they charged against the main English stronghold of Les Tourelles. (
  • Dec 20, 1429

    Golden Fleece

    The order of the Golden Fleece was established. It was in Austria, Hungary and Spain. this was the same year the Joan of Arc led her French troops against the English army.
  • Dec 20, 1430


    Joan was captured by the Burgundians at Compeigns. She was then transferred into English custody. The French would be easier to defeat without her help. English requested 100,000 crowns in turn for Joan. French nobles made little effort to rescue her because they resented her for rising in popularity and success so quickly. (
  • Dec 20, 1430

    Modern English Develops from Middle English

    Not only was this the year that Joan of Arc was captured by Burgundians, it was also the year that Modern English became fully developed from Middle English. (Grun 204).
  • May 24, 1431

    Gave in to English Orders

    Joan agrees to wear women's clothing. She lost hope of the French rescuing her. She believed that disobeying her inquisitors was disobeying God, so she did as they told her. (
  • Dec 20, 1431


    The English began to believe that Joan was guilty of heresy. The Bishop of Beauvais, Peter Cauchon wanted to bring her to trial. This was initially why ghey brought her to court, but as the trial went on, they believed that she was acting against God because she would not repeat the oath at the beginning of the trial, and because she told them that saintly visitors told her to wear men's clothes and how to defeat the English at battle. (
  • Dec 20, 1431


    Joan of Arc dies. She lost her trial that made her guilty of Heresy. The English sentenced her to death and burned her at the stake. (
  • Dec 20, 1431

    Caen and Poitiers Universities Founded

    The year that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake and killed. this was also the year that the universities if Caen and Poitiers were founded. (Grun 204).
  • Dec 20, 1456


    The Papal investigation overturned the verdict and exonerated Joan of Arc. Everyone involved in her death tried not to take the blame because they knew that the church didnt have the power to sentence her to death. (
  • Dec 21, 1456

    Pablo Ucello Painting

    This is the same year that that the Joan of Arc trial was anulled. Also, it was the year that Paulo Uccello painted "The Battle of San Romano" painting. This is important because this particular painting is very famous in art today.
  • Canonized

    After much controversy, Joan of Arc was named Saint. people viewed her as a genuine witch, a heroic feminist, and as a romantic heroine. But her brave actions made her very deserving of the title of being a saint. (
  • Olympics

    This was the year that the Olymic Games were held at Antwerp. This year is important because it also marks the year that Jaon of Arc was canonized. that is why the year 1920 is important, the olympic games wefre held at Antwerp, and Joan of Arc was canonized. (Grun).