Jan 6, 1412
"she was born in the village of Domremy in Champagne, France... She was the third of five children of the small peasant farming family of Jacques and Isabelle d'Arc" ("Joan of Arc").
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Jan 1, 1424
"When Joan was twelve, she began to experience visions which she described as both verbal communication as well as visible figures of siants and angels which she could see and touch" ("Joan Of Arc,Brief History").
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=joan+of+arc+as+a+kid&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=648&tbm=isch&tbnid=2fpmCkZu3GIk_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.maidofheaven.com/&docid=f1otzD620D-9HM&imgurl=http://www.maidofheaven.com/maid_assets/extras/thirion.jpg&w=356&h=500&ei=8qnhTo2hMMmw2QWTuICrB -
Apr 27, 1428
"Joan's army set out for Orleans, which has been under siege by the English for more than six months...Joan successfully forced the English to life the siege on Orleans on May 8, 1429" ("Joan Of Arc").
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=joan+of+arc+in+orleans&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=648&tbm=isch&tbnid=NlbQghh2CPP3UM:&imgrefurl=http://clonehigh.wikia.com/wiki/File:Joan_of_Arc_outside_Orleans.gif&docid=0KCtS2-B2WTKDM&imgurl=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100927203109/clonehigh/im -
Jan 1, 1429
Permission To Join The Dauphin
"Joan went to Vaucouleurs again in January 1429, this time her firmness and piety gained her repsect of the people; and the captain persuaded that she was neither a witch nor feebleminded, allowed her to go to the Dauphin at Chinon. She left Vaucouleurs about February 13, dressed in men's clothes and accmpanied by six men-at-arms" ("Saint Joan Of Arc").
"Joan of Arc." Garden of Praise. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. http://gardenofpraise.com/ibdjoan.htm. -
Jul 17, 1429
Charles Crowning As King
"Charles entered the city wand was crowned king the next day...after the coronation, Joan continued her efforts to expel the English from France. Many of French, by that time, considered her their hero" ("Joan Of Arc").
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=joan+of+arc+and+king+charles+becomes+king&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=648&tbm=isch&tbnid=R5ZYYkBPQdgfYM:&imgrefurl=http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/862-1005&docid=gftRWzkND_HnXM&imgurl=http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/8 -
Jul 17, 1429
After Crowning
"Charles entered the city and was crowned king the next day...after the coronation, Joan continued her efforts to expel the English from France...in December 1429, Charles officially recognized Joan and her family as part of the French nobility" ("Joan Of Arc")
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Aug 2, 1429
Ambitions For Paris
"Charles wanted to stop the attack on Paris, Joan opposed by telling the people of Reims that the Duke of Burgundy would give Paris to Charles if they agreed to the treaty" ("Saint Joan Of Arc").
"Joan of Arc." Garden of Praise. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. http://gardenofpraise.com/ibdjoan.htm. -
May 23, 1431
Joan's Capture
"Joan was captured then was taken to Margny, where the Duke of Burgundy came to see her...in telling the people of Reims of Joan's capture, Renaud de Chargres accused her of rejecting all counsel and acting willfully" ("Saint Joan Of Arc")
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May 30, 1431
" the judges and 39 assessors agreed unanimously that she must be handed over to the secular officials [for] 'treason',the executionar seized her, led her to the stake, and lit the pyre...according to the rehabilitation proceedings of 1456, few witnesses of her death...agreed that she had died a faithful christian" ("Saint Joan Of Arc").
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After Death
"The French parliament decreed a yearly national festival in Joan's honor"("Saint Joan Of Arc")
http://www.enag-brgm.fr/fr/dispositif_orleanais/Documents/Jeanne%20d'Arc.jpg -
Picture URL for lion
Animal Symbol
To see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength, courage, aggression, and power"("Dream Moods").
A lion best represents Joan of Arc becuase she is a powerful woman figure in the 1400's. She showed great aggression and passion while fighting alongside her army, which she led and captured Orleans. She is full of courage becuase she goes through great lengths to fulfill her vision of what the saints and angels were telling her, no matter what those who oppposed
her did to her.