Jan 1, 1412
Joans birth
Joan was born in 1412. Her exact day of birth is unknown. -
Jan 1, 1425
Joan is visited by saints
Joan was visited by saints that told her that she would do something great. she would go to the church to pray, asking them what they meant. -
Jan 1, 1428
Joan asks the king for permission to fight
After injured soliders visit joans house she figures out that the saints want her to fight against England.
She goes to the king to ask for an army to fight the english -
Jan 2, 1428
Joan fight to free Orleans
Joan is given an army by the Daupin prince and is told to go and free the city of orleans from the english army -
Jan 1, 1429
Joan is captured
Joan is betrayed by 2 of her nobles Le Temoille and de Chartres. when they went to fight they didn't help joan get away and she was captured. -
May 27, 1429
Joan is put in jail
Joan was captured by the english and thrown in jail. While she was in jail she was praying to God. -
Jan 1, 1431
Joans trial
Joan is taken out of the jail for her trial. The people find her guilty of being a witch and decide to punish her. -
Jan 2, 1431
Joan is burned
Joan is found guilty of being a witch in her trial and is sentenced to be burned at the stake. Before she was burned she asked for a cross. Someone made her a twig one and then she got burned. -
Jan 1, 1451
Joans second trial
In joans second trial 20 years after she was burned she was found to be inocent. -
Jan 1, 1451
Joan made saint
After her second trial joan was declered to be saint joan of arc.