
Joan Of Arc

  • Jul 15, 1410

    Battle Of Tannenburg

    Battle Of Tannenburg
    The Battle of Tannenburg was a major Polish-Lithuanian victory over the knights of the Teutonic Order. By the end of the 10-hour battle, the order’s forces had been crushed and also its grand master, most of its commanders, and 205 of its knights had been killed.
  • Jan 6, 1412

    Joan Of Arc was born

    Joan Of Arc was born
    Joan of Arc was born on January 6th 1412. She was born and grew up in Domrémy, France. Domrémy was a small village on the broder of eastern France that mostly consisted of peasants and farmers. She grew up with four siblings. Her mother Isabelle and her father Jacques raised all four children while the French and English were fighting. (Churchill 67)
  • Aug 14, 1415

    Heny the Navigator Takes Ceuta

    Heny the Navigator Takes Ceuta
    Henry was a king who inherited the thrown. He was a Portuguese explorer and captured Cueta which is today known as Morocco. Henry the Navigator captured Cueta from the Madrid dynasty at the time.
  • Oct 25, 1415

    Battle Of Agincourt

    Battle Of Agincourt
    The battle of Agincourt started when Kind Henry V landed on France trying to recover the lost territory the French had taken away. Henry's army fought on foot and on horseback. Henry marched his force close enough to allow his archers to unleash a hail of arrows upon the French. The French knights charged toward the English only to be caught in a slippery quagmire of mud. The French after fighting suffered an embarassing defeat and the English regained hte land they had lost.
  • Jan 1, 1420

    Peking Becomes the Chinese Capitol

    Peking Becomes the Chinese Capitol
    In 1420 the capitol of China became Peking. Peking is now present day Beijing. The captiol was built with new industries and became a very commercial metropolis. The part of hte city that was built in 1420 is now considered the old section of China.
  • May 1, 1420

    Treaty of Troyes

    Treaty of Troyes
    THe Treaty of Troyes was an agreement between Henry V of England, Charles VI of France and Phillip the Good of Burgundy. This successful treaty was the end of the Hundred Years War. Henry V was to marry Charles' daughter and Charles was able to retain the royal thrown until death.
  • Jan 1, 1424

    Joan Was Visited

    Joan Was Visited
    Joan of Arc was visited by a "voice". This "voice" was said to be God, The "voice" told Joan that it was her destiny to fight for France. To do so, Joan realized she had to dress like a man in order to be able to fight. Without the "voice" visiting her, Joan never would have planned to fight with France against the English. (David 16)
  • Jan 1, 1424

    France Invades Italy

    France Invades Italy
    France invaded Italy because the French king had claim on the Kingdom of Naples and he wanted to enforce their claim. Naples surrendered against the French king Charles VIII and he temporarily became the king of Naples. When the Spain forced France out of Italy, Charles VIII was forced to surrender and leave his thrown.
  • Jan 1, 1429

    Joan Told Her Parents

    Joan Told Her Parents
    Joan told her parents about what she wished to do. After thinknig it through and deciding exactly how she would go about what she wantede to do, she decided to tell her parents. She told them that she was gonig to dress like a man and fight as a leader for France. Her father was not pleased with her wish, but she proceeded anyhow.
  • Jan 5, 1429

    Joan Visited Charles VII

    Joan Visited Charles VII
    Joan traveled to Charles VII dressed in mens clothing. She told him about how she wished to fight and asked him to be by her side. She knelt before him while asking and he agreed. The two stayed side by side through many battles and also the crowning of Charles VII.
  • Apr 1, 1429


    Joan and her new army moved to Poitiers. In Poitiers she met her new friend. His name was Duke D'Alecon. He taught Joan many new tactics for battle and also how to fight. Their friendship benefitted Joan because she now had the knowledge and skills to fight in battle. When Joan became very experienced Duke D'Alecon gave her, her own fighting horse. (Churchill 18)
  • Apr 5, 1429

    Joan Gets Her Own Armor

    Joan Gets Her Own Armor
    After being with Duke D'Alecon Joan was given her own set of battle armor. This armor is the armor she used through all of her battles. With the new armor, Joan of Arc was abel to fight and protect herself while leading France. (Joan Of Arc Biography)
  • May 23, 1429

    Knocked Off Her Horse

    Knocked Off Her Horse
    While fighting for Frnace, Joan of Arc was knocked off her battle horse. After being knocked off her horse she was capturedi nto the hands of John of Luxemburg. He captured her because Joan was considered a prize to have. She was brought to his castle where she was imprisoned. Joan tried escaping multiple times but each time she failed and was recaptured.
  • Oct 1, 1430

    Joan Tries To Escape

    Joan Tries To Escape
    In her effort to escape, Joan tries to figure out many ways to get away. One way she thought of was jumping. Joan was imprisoned in a sixty foot tower. Being so desperate she leaped off the tower and hoped for the best. She survived a sixty foot fall. Joan was immediately captured recaptured.
  • Nov 15, 1430

    Sold To English

    Sold To English
    Joan of Arc was considered a very valuable person to have in imprisonment. While John of Luxembourg had Joan captured he was offered 10,000 franks to sell her away. The English, Frances rivals bought Joan which was a mjaor accomplishment because Joan was France's leader at hte time. Joan of Arc's time as a leader for Fance had come to an end.
  • Dec 10, 1430

    Trials Begin

    Trials Begin
    After being brought to the English, Joan was trialled. The English were putting Joan through trials for heresy, They believed Joan fighting dressed like a man was heresy, and that was the only thing they could charge Joan with. The trials went on for a long time, as judges agreed and disagreed with the English. (David 19)
  • May 30, 1431

    Joan's Death

    Joan's Death
    By May 24th, 1431 Joan's sentence was final.Her sentencing was read publicly. Six days later Joan of Arc was tied to a stake and set on fire. On one side of her the executioner stood and on the other as she requested, stood a priest holding a cross. Joan's burning was in the middle of a street so the public could see.