
Joan of Arc

  • Jan 6, 1412

    Jpan of Arc Is Born

    Jpan of Arc Is Born
    Born as Jeanne d'Arc to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romee, she lived as a peasant in DOmreny, France.
  • Sep 2, 1425

    The Voices

    The Voices
    At age 13, Joan starts to hear voices that she claims belongs to God. He has told her to dress like a man and fight in the war against England.
  • Feb 13, 1429

    Joan of Arc Obeys

    Joan of Arc Obeys
    Dressed in men's clothing and wearing a short haircut, Joan travels to Chinon to ask Charles VII if she could join his army. Charles VII refused, but Joan was persistent and was given permission to fight a year later.
  • Apr 29, 1429


    One Joan's biggest accomplishments was to win back Orleans from England.
  • May 7, 1429

    Joan of Arc Keeps Fighting

    Joan of Arc Keeps Fighting
    At the Battle of Les Tourelles, Joan was wounded on her throat and shoulder by a shotted arrow. Recovering quickly from the painful wound, Joan still leads an army to fight and win against English intruders.
  • Sep 8, 1429

    Assault in Paris Begins

    Assault in Paris Begins
    Confident to win back Paris, Joan bravely leads her men to fight.
  • May 23, 1430


    After getting shot by an arrow, Joan is captured by Burgundians and was sold to the English for 10000 Francs. King Charles VII made very little effort in trying to get her back.
  • Feb 21, 1431

    Trial Begins

    Trial Begins
    Joan was put in trial by the English because citizens had accused he of heresy and had said that she was following instructions from the devil. Three months later, she was found guilty.
  • May 30, 1431

    The Death of Jeann d'Arc

    Joan of Arc is burned at the stake for being found guilty of heresy.
  • Canonized

    Pope Benedict XV declared Joan of Arc a saint.