JK Rowling was born
JK Rowling was born in Yate, England on July 31, 1965 -
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was published
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Sectrets was published.
JK Rowling's Author of the year
J K Rowling was voted author of the year at the 1999 British Book Awards (Nibbies) and won the Booksellers Association Author of the Year award two years in a row (1998 and 1999). -
Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban was published.
JK Rowling's Awards
She won the W H Smith Children's Book of the Year for 2000 and in 2004, she was awarded the WH Smith's Fiction Award. -
first three Harry Potter books earned $480 million in three years.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was published simultaneously in Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was published
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was published
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published
The Tales of Beedle the Bard was also published