J.K Rowling is born into the world
Joanne Rowling, born to Peter and Anne Rowling, the 31st of July, 1965
Grew up in a little village, J.K loved to write short storys and read them to her younger sister for fun. -
Rowling moved to Winterbourne
At age 4, Rowling and her family moved to the village Winterbourne, in England The country she had lived in her whole life up to this point. -
J.K Moved at Age 9, to Gloucestershire Village
At the age of nine, Rowling moved to Church Cottage in the Gloucestershire village of Tutshill, close to Chepstow, Wales.
She here got the ideas for many of her characters such as albus dumbledor and hermoine. -
The idea for Harry Potter came fully formed in J.K's head
On a train journey to in London, Harry Potter the character fully formed into Rowlings head, and she starts to create the whole world of Hogwarts School around him. Unfortunately, she had no pen or paper to jot down her imaginings, so stores it away saftly in her memory -
J.K's Mother Dies
<ahref='http://www.monstersandcritics.com/books/news/article_1074767.php/JK_Rowling_says_mother_s_death_inspired_Harry_Potter_s_orphan_status' >Mother Death was Inspiring</a> J.K's Mother dies at age 45 from multiple sclerosis. The death of Rowlings mother affected her writing very much, leading to her incorperating the death of Harry Potter parents.
Rowling states that her mother saved her when she died, with rowlings mothers death rowling was inspired to add more darkness and sorrow to the books making them connect with readers on a deeper level. This made the books and even great sucess -
J.K Rowling finishes first manuscript of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
In 1995, J.K finished her first manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on a old manual type writer. The book was submitted to 12 publishing houses, all houses rejected the manuscript.
Fearing that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she use two initials, rather than her full name.
And so, the name J.K Rowling was born. -
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone, Released
June 26th, 1997, the first novel in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is released to the public, which creates a tidal wave of sucess. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frlIh3QU -
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets released July 2nd, 1998.
With this being J.K's second book being finally released there was immense pressure on her to live up to the standards of the first book the public couldnt get enough of, and she did. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frm8vSwE -
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban released July 8th, 1999.
With unbeleivable success from the first two novels, there was no doubt in the publics mind this book would be quick to follow the rest with its blooming progession and success. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frmlPY4W -
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire released July 8th, 2000 http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frnVbS29 -
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, released November 16th 2001.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, released November 15th 2002.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, released June 4th 2004.
Harry Potter and theGoblet of Fire, released November 18th , 2005.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, released July 11th, 2007.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, released July 15th 2009.
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows: Part 1:19th November 2010 Part 2:15th July 2011 -
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix released June 21st, 2003.
This book took 3 extra years to write, becasue J.K was going through what most authors go through at somepoint or another, writers block. Rowling promised her readers if they would just be patient with her, she would give them the best Harry Potter book they have ever read. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frnzSW3i -
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince released July 16th, 2005.
This book taking J.K 2 years to write, was one that spiked movie directors intrest and began the to talk about an agreement to make 8installments of the film, for the millions of fans all over the world. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frp5ofuD -
Named "Most Influential Women"
In October 2010, J. K. Rowling was named 'Most Influential Woman in Britain' by leading magazine editors. Comming from nothing to everything in a matter of years couldnt have been more of a shock to J.K, but she was and still is thrilled to have made Harry Potter apart of alomost the entire globes life. -
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows released July 21st, 2007
These books were made into 2 parts in movie form, as the last installments of the films the fans were sad to see the book series and film series end but happy Harry was at peace atleast. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_were_each_of_the_Harry_Potter_books_released#ixzz1frpz9My6