Jin's Reading History

By jinykim
  • I'm in the Book!

    My parents ordered a few books of fairy tales/ Korean traditional stories in which the main characters’ names were changed to my brother’s and my name. They gave them to me as a birthday gift or some kind of gift, and I liked them very very very much; I am going to pass them down to my next generation and the next. :p
  • English Dictionary

    We were living in Korea back in the time, and we had lots of books in English and English dictionaries for a Korean household who had been living in Korea all our lives because our mom loved reading, and especially mystery books in English. One day, my brother who was about 4 years old at the time had an English dictionary opened in his laps and started mumbling "co-co-shee, co-co-shee" as if he could read English words in the dictionary. It was such a cute and unforgettable moment.
  • Public Library

    My mom took me and my brother to a public library that was located near our house one weekend. I don't remember why we went to the public library, but I would assume that we just visted there for an experience. I don't really have much experience/memory of public libraries because my parents preferred buying books and keeping them at home to checking in/out them.
  • 10 Books a Bag

    It was like a magazine that comes to your door every week. There was a bag of 10 books hung at our door knob for me and my brother to read each week. My brother never finished reading them, but I think I did for most of the times whether or not I liked the books I recieved.
  • Bathroom Newspapers

    There was a pack of children's newspapers called Newspapers that You Read in Your Bathroom at our home bathroom. So, I would read them whenever I went to the bathroom and would stay in there for quite a while because of them. I enjoyed learning interesting facts from reading them.
  • Agatha Christie

    I had always liked nonfiction books and more of a self-development type of books rather than mystery/ case-solving/ detective books like my mom. My mom has a whole room-ful of mystery books, but I had never cared to take one of them and read it. One day out of the blue, I took out Spider Web, and ABC Murder Case by Agatha Christie and reade them for the first time. I didn't necessarily like them, but I just remember them as my first mystery books that i read.
  • Encyclopedia

    I tried reading encyclopedia and dictionaries because I heard that my cousin who was always super smart loved reading them, but it lasted only a few hours of the day.