Jimmys birth Biological Dad was not present

By juan70
  • Jimmys Mom loses her job

    Jimmys Mom was laid off and struggled finically.
  • Jimmy Turns 4

    No one shows up to Jimmys Birthday due to family conflict.
  • Jimmys Grandma becomes very ill

    Although Jimmy and his Grandma did not have the best relationship she was a huge support system. 6
  • Jimmy meets his friends

    Jimmy begins to hang out with gang affiliated indivduals
  • Jimmy Joins his Gang

    Jimmy joins his gang at 9 years old by getting jumped in. Jimmy was beaten up pretty bad but did not go to the hospital
  • Jimmy steals

    Jimmy begins to steal spray paint for his gang and tag walls.
  • Jimmy gets stood up

    Jimmy's mother attempted to get his biological father involved due to Jimmys behavior. However Jimmy was left waiting his dad never showed up. 13
  • Jimmy gets arrested

    Jimmy was involved in a home invasion. he was sent to juvenile hall. 16
  • Incident in jail

    Jimmy is tortured by guards in attempt to gain info on his gang. 17
  • Jimmys Mom passes

    Jimmys mom passes away shortly after he is released from juvenile hall. 18
  • Jimmy gets a dui

    Jimmy gets a DUI at 23 years old
  • Jimmy goes to jail

    Jimmy goes to jail again at 25 for violating probation .