Jimmy carter

Jimmy Carter's Life

  • Jimmy Carter is Born

    Jimmy Carter is Born
    His full name was James Earl Carter, Jr. He was born in the small town of Plains, Georgia. Here his family owned a large farming buisness that employed shearcroppers.
  • Period: to

    Life of Jimmy Carter

  • Jimmy's Family Moves

    Jimmy's Family Moves
    Jimmy and his family moved to a town near Plains Georgia called Archery when he was the age of four years old.
  • Jimmy Graduates High School

    Jimmy Graduates High School
    Jimmy Carter graduated the high school of Plains High. He graduated of the class of 1941. He jas become the first on hid=s dad's side of the family to do so.
  • Jimmy Gets Hiched

    Jimmy Gets Hiched
    Jimmy Carter married Rosalynn Smith. She was an outspoken women who had a thing for Jimmy.
  • Jimmy Joins the Navy

    Jimmy Joins the Navy
    Jimmy Carter had already graduated Georgia Southwestern College with a Bachelor of Science degree. He had been invited to a navy class and was soon excepted.
  • Jimmy Has a Kid Number One

    Jimmy Has a Kid Number One
    John William Carter was born as the eldest child of the couple. He would prove to have taken after his fathers buisness.
  • Chip is Born

    Chip is Born
    James Chip Carter is born. He is child number two of the four.
  • Child Number Three is Born

    Child Number Three is Born
    Tey had their third son, Donnel Jeffrey Carter. He was born in Connecticut.
  • Jimmy Goes to Chalk River

    Jimmy Goes to Chalk River
    In the year of 1952 Jimmy was sent to Chalk River in Canada to shut down a nuclear power company. He had to shut them down due to an accident happened in the area.
  • Jimmy Takes the Buiseness

    Jimmy Takes the Buiseness
    Jimmy Carters father died so he moved back and seized control of the family buisness. His wife had some disagreement with him. She had argued her case about not wanting to go back but despite her desire to stay away the moving process did not stop for her.
  • Jimmy Retires His Uniform

    Jimmy Retires His Uniform
    Jimmy retires from the Navy to take over the family buisness. Jimmy, at the rank of Lieutenant retired.
  • Jimmy Becomes Part of the Sumter Board of Education

    Jimmy Becomes Part of the Sumter Board of Education
    He became a member of the Sumter County Board of Education. This is his first politicle job.
  • Carter Runs for Senate

    Carter Runs for Senate
    Carter runs for Georgia State Senate.
  • He gets the Senate

    He gets the Senate
    Jimmy is elected for Georgia State Senate.
  • Jimmy Runs for Georgia Govoner

    Jimmy Runs for Georgia Govoner
    Jimmy, after two terms in the Senate ran for Georgia State Govoner. He tost to Lester Madox.
  • Amy is Born, Lucky Number Four

    Amy is Born, Lucky Number Four
    Rosalynn and Jimmy's first daughter and fourth child is Amy Carter was born.
  • Jimmy Strikes Again

    Jimmy Strikes Again
    Jimmy, once again tries for Govenor. Jimmy won against Hal Suite, a Republican.
  • The Election of Jimmy Carter

    The Election of Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter served as our 39th presiden. He was only a 5'9" man who ws the age of 52 on his inauguration day.
  • The Pannama Canal Treaty

    The Pannama Canal Treaty
    Jimmy give controll of the Panama Canal to the Panamanians.
  • Jimmy Toasts to the Sha of Iran

    Jimmy Toasts to the Sha of Iran
    Jimmy had given a toast in the Sha's honor before New Years Eave. This angered many of the Iranian populous.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    Jimmy makes it leagal for the government to controll what we are tought.
  • Americans Taken Hostage

    Americans Taken Hostage
    On November fourth sixty six Americans were taken hostage by an angry mob. This mob was full of people mad at Carter for supporting the Sha. After so many days they released 13 of them. The others were held for 444 days.
  • Jimmy's Wheat Embargo

    Jimmy's Wheat Embargo
    President Carter inacts a U.S. Wheat Embargo on the U.S.S.R. A side efect was a crash of the wheat market reducing the price of grain to practacly zero.
  • Olympics Boycott

    Olympics Boycott
    The Rusians had invaded Afaghanastan so in protest President Carter boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
  • Good Old Reagen Takes Power

    Good Old Reagen Takes Power
    Ronald Reagen bocomes President. On that very day the hostages are released.
  • Carter Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

    Carter Wins the Nobel Peace Prize
    Carter Wins the Peace Prize.