1976 Election
Jimmy Carter ran against Gerald Ford in the 1976 election. Carter running in the Democratic party won the election with 51% of the popular vote! -
1977 Man of the Year!
Jimmy Carter won the election in 1976 and a year later went into office. Very shortly after going into office Carter was named "Man of the Year"! -
1977-1981 advocating for human rights
Over Jimmy Carters presidency he believed strongly in human rights. Carter would put Human rights as a priority and wanted to achieve equality. -
1977 Carter pardons draft evaders
During 1950's many soldiers went to fight in the American Vietnam war. This was a war of great numbers so many Americans were drafted. Draft evaders were Americans who evaded going to war. Jimmy Carter later pardoned all of these evaders. -
1977 Panama Canal Treaty
Americans control of the Panama Canal cause problems between the two countries. Jimmy Carter signed a treaty giving them control of the canal by 1999. Some saw this as a lose of power but Carter resolved the conflicts. -
1978 Camp David Accords
Jimmy Carter mediated between Israel and Egypt. Making them talk out there issues and overall making the middle east a safer place. -
1978 National Energy Act
During the 1970's gas guzzling cars used up tons of gas and energy! Carter taxed cars the use gas and funded research to find alternate ways of energy. Carter also reduced our need of forgiven oil. -
1978 civil service reform
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 got rid of the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Jimmy Carter then made changes and modernized it. -
1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis
US diplomats were captured and held hostage in Iran. Jimmy Carter worked on negotiating and freeing the hostages. -
1979 salt 2 negotiations
During the 1900's nuclear weapons rapidly increased in amount and started becoming dangerous. Carter and brezhnev signed a treaty limiting the number of nukes aloud to withhold at one time.