
By juan70
  • Jimmys birth

    0 years old
  • Jimmy turns one

    During Jimmys first birthday party a dispute erupts between Jimmy's Mom and Grandmother. Jimmys' Grandmother does not feel like Jimmy's Mom is doing a good job parent. Jimmy is one
  • Jimmy's First words

    Jimmys first word are vulgar reflecting his environment . Jimmy's grandma begins to question his Moms parenting. JImmy is two years old and is delayed with his communication skills.
  • Jimmys First day at day care

    Jimmy has difficulty interacting with peers during his first day in day care. Jimmys Mom is called due to his behavior and excessive use of profanity.
  • Jimmy has difficulty with basic instruction

    At 4 years old Jimmy is not at grade level for his age at day care. Jimmy is suppose to practice counting and his ABCs at home but can not due to his mom always working.
  • Jimmy's first day in kindergarden

    At 5 years old Jimmy is still experiencing difficulty with behavioral issues. Jimmys teacher is concerned about his aggressive tendencies
  • Jimmy is becoming independent

    At 6 years old Jimmys Mom begins to leave him alone after school due to work. Jimmy's grandma fell ill and no longer able to watch him.
  • Jimmys first fight

    jimmy gets involved in his first fight at 7 years old due to bullying.
  • Jimmy makes new friends

    At 8 years old jimmy begins to hang out with the gangs in his neighbor hood.
  • Jimmy gets jumped in

    The local gang jumps Jimmy in at 9 years old. By this period of time Jimmy has become extremely defiant to authority.
  • Jimmy gets caught shop lifting

    Jimmy was caught stealing at the local walmart. Jimmys older Gang related friends instructed him to steal spray paint 10 years old
  • Jimmy enters middle school

    At 11 years old Jimmy becomes more involved in gangs. Jimms Mom begins to worry.
  • Jimmy gets caught tagging

    at 12 years old Jimmy was caught tagging in his neighborhood by police but was let off with a warning.
  • Jimmy is suspended in school

    Jimmy is involved in another fight at school. Jimmy was the one that provoked the altercation. 13 years old
  • Jimmy trys marijuana

    14 years old jimmy begins to smoke cannabis with friends. Jimmy is now smoking everyday.
  • Jimmy Grows to be more defiant

    At 15 years old Jimmy is now out late at night and spends alot of time with his gang.
  • Jimmys sent to juvenile hall.

    Jimmy is sent to juvenile hall due to being caught for involved in home invasion. 16 years old
  • Jimmy is tortured by guards

    Jimmy is tortured by gourds as way tog et information about his gang. This really traumatizes Jimmy. 17 years old
  • Jimmy gets our of juvenile hall

    jimmy is rereleased from juvenile hall. He is 18 years old.
  • Jimmys Mom passes

    Jimmys found his Mom dead of overdose at 18 years old.
  • Jimmys job search

    Jimmy continue ton quit jobs due to the anxiety he feels. Jimmy is not sure why he feeling this way. 19 years old
  • Jimmys first job

    At 20 years old Jimmy is struggling to maintain a job. He is experiencing PTSD like symptoms such as flash backs .
  • Jimmy begins binge drinking

    jimmy is introduced to alcohol on his birthday by his friends. Jimmy has refrained from the gang due to mental health 21 years old
  • Jimmy spend most of his free time drinking

    at 22 years old Jimmy drinks to cope with his mental health symptoms.
  • Jimmy gets a DUI

    Jimmy is pulled over and given a dui at 23 years old.
  • jimmy begins to steal again

    Jimmy begins to steal after not being able to attain a job due to having his license suspended. 24 years old
  • Jimmy goes to jail

    Jimmy goes to jail for violating his probation at 25 years old.
  • Jimmy enters a work program

    Jimmy is assigned to a work program by the judge. Jimmy hopes to develop a trade. 26 years old
  • Jimmy attends therapy

    Jimmy is diagnosed with PTSD at 27 years old.
  • jimmy is stable

    through therapy and meds Jimmy is final able to maintain a job. 28 years old
  • Jimmy meets his Wife

    Jimmy meets his wife and she accepts him for who he is. Jimmy has a support system.
  • Jimmy relapses

    Jimmy is drinking again due to issues at work and his relation ship.