Jim Jones was born in Crete, Indiana -
Sacrament of holy orders
He began working as a self-ordained Christian minister in small churches around Indianapolis -
Joined in Comunism
First church
Jones opened his first Peoples Temple church in Indianapolis -
Jones moved his small congregation to Northern California -
New Move
He recolated his organization´s headquarters to San Francisco and also opened a temple in Los Angeles -
A small group of Jones’ followers went to Guyana to establish an agricultural cooperative on a tract of jungle in Guyana, later, he and more than 1000 followers joined them and moved there. -
Leo Ryan and his group try to left Jonestown
Ryan and a small group of Peoples Temple defectors left Jonestown in search of freedom. Then, they were murdered by a gunmen sent by Jim Jones -
"Revolutionary act"
Jones forced his followers to poison themself with
cyanide and grape kool aid -
Final dead
He killed himself with a shotgun blast