jharvey A storm cloud gathers

  • Period: to

    Jharvey A storm Cloud Gathers

  • Benito Mussoline is forced into Power

    Benito Mussoline is forced into Power
    Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister by forcing the king to conceed to stop a civil war from happening. He gives himself the title Il Duce meaning leader, Showing his power.
  • Stock Market Crashed

    Stock Market Crashed
    This day is simply known as Black Tuesday. Millions of stocks were sold as prices lplumeted. The formaly very rich bacame penny beggers in a matter of hours.
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Becomes chancellor of Germany
    After fighting for Germany in WWI Adolf Hitler promised his country power in the world stage and to regain their honor lost in WWI. He promised that his third reich would last for a thousand years.
  • The Rhineland is Militarized by France

    The Rhineland is Militarized by France
  • Japan First Attacks manchuria

    Japan First Attacks manchuria
    Japn launched an attack on a weakly defended Manchuria, thus causing attention from the ;eague of nations and more importantly the u.s.
  • FDR is elected president

    FDR is elected president
    After the Stock Market crash Hoover became very unpopular with the people. He had inability to pass laws through congress that would help the American people. With FDR's "New Deal" FDR won in a landslide election.
  • Italy Takes Over Ethiopia

    Italy Takes Over Ethiopia
    Italy wanted to show its strength and once again expand its empire. To do this they looked to an old colony of theirs, Ethiopia. Ethiopia having no defences was captured easily by the Italians.
  • Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler was not paying back war reperations he owed many of the allied powers. He also was increasingly upgrading his military also going against the treaty of versailles.
  • Civil WAr Breaks Out In Spain

    Civil WAr Breaks Out In Spain
    The Spanish army tried to rebel against the government with the support of the Germans and Italians. The failed in their attempt.
  • Anschluss

    Germany began to retain lands lost during WWI by annexing austria. They marched into the capitol without a fight thus showing that they were not not content with their situation forshadowing more invasions to come.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    A meeting between the leaders of France England and germany to try and stop a eminent war from happening. They allowed Germany to annex Czechoslovakia.
  • Kristallnacht

    This word meand "Night of Broken Glass", it was rampage on jews and there bussinesses and places of worship. It was a mob like mantality as jews were beat and even killed.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan attacked china taking it over with their powerful army. It was denounced by the US and caused an embargo on all materials that could be used for war to japan
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    It was a pact signed by Germany and Russia to keep peace between these large and pwerful countries. In return for peace Germany would give Russia poland and other eastern Euope lands that had once belonged to them.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    This event is the spark that caused WWII because Poland was a neutral country that was attacked. This caused France and England to declare war on Germany.
  • Phony War

    Phony War
    It was called the phony war because both countried militarized the rhineland yet noone would make the first move thus fighting never occured. Ofcourse fighting would eventually happen it took a while to start.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    FDR made a promise to stay neutral through this European conflict though he strongly wished to help allies in more ways than he could without declaring war.
  • Miracle at Dunkiek

    Miracle at Dunkiek
    After the French soldiers were knocked back capture and defeat were imenent. They were stuck in a costal town of Dunkirk being completely surrounded. As they tried to evacuate 338,000 they knew they could not evacuate themn all so they cvalled on every boat. Civilians came to the rescue as 400 civilian merchant boats were used to try and save all the men. Almost all of the men made it to safety becoming the miricle of dunkirk.
  • France Surrenders to Germany

    France Surrenders to Germany
    With the new battle tacktic Blitkrieg germany quickly defeats Belgium andm oves on to france quickly taking the capitol forcing all armed forces to retreat to Great Britain.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    This was a Great air battle to where Great Britain was bombed to rubble, but they kept fighting showing the German's they would not quit. All civilians tried to help. With the RAF and the new radar system they defeated the Germans in this battle.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    This Act allowed the United States toi give aid to those countries fighting aggainst aggression and to save democrocy. It was peril to the English because of their factories being completely destroyed they needed the supplies to survive
  • Japan siezes Indo-China

    Japan siezes Indo-China
    This was the final event that would lead to war. The United States condemed the japanese and embargode all materials to japan that could be used or war. This would eventually cause japan to attack
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    This was a secret meeting between FDR and Winsten Chruchill. This was the first time they had met face to face. They discussed specific war plans because the United States knew war was imenent.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was th harbor and base of the entire Pacific fleet. The japanese atttacked it because they knew it was unexpected and could completely destroy our Pacific fleet causing the United States to have to surrender. Luckily our aircraft carriers were out at see and virtually untouched.
  • Winston Churchhill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain

    Winston Churchhill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain
    He becomes war time prime minister fdor england. He is a great leader and becomes close friends with FDR. With Chuirchills personality he is able to gain aid from the United States thus saving their country from capture by the Germans.