Jesus to ad 500

  • 42 BCE

    ST. john the apostle travels to Ephesus with virgin marry

  • 34 BCE

    conversion of st Paul

  • 33 BCE

    The resurrection the Jesus Christ

  • 33 BCE


  • 33 BCE

    the apostles sperad the gosple

  • 33 BCE

    St. Stephen Martyred

  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Pax Romanna

  • 44

    St. James the Apostle is martyred; his body is secretly buried in Spain

  • 46

    St. Paul begins missionary journeys to Galatia, Greece, Syria, and other places.

  • 49

    council of Jerusalem.

  • 64

    Persecution of Christians begins under Roman emperor Nero.

  • 354

    354 - Birth of St. Augustine

  • 360

    Books begin to replace scrolls

  • 382

    Pope Damasus asks St. Jerome to translate the Gospels into Latin.

  • 405

    St Jerome complete his translation of the Old Testament

  • 410

    St. Augustine begins writing The City of God.

  • 432

    St. Patrick sets out to spread the Gospel in Ireland

  • 480

    Birth of St. Benedict

  • Period: 500 to 1000

    ad 500-1000