Jesus life

  • 6 BCE

    Jesus life has began

    Jesus life has began
    Luke 2: 6-12
    The angel Gabriel came to Marry telling her she is going to have a holly baby.
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus real birth

    Jesus real birth
    Matthew 1 18- 23 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea at 6 or 4 BCE. They were in a barn with animals all around. He laid in a manger.
  • 4 BCE


    Matthew 2: 19-23 Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph had to flee to Egypt seeking safety and security.
  • 4 BCE

    Three wise men

    Three wise men
    Matthew 2: 11 The 3 wise men saw the star and new Jesus was born. The came to where he was born and gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh.
  • 8

    Jesus visits the temple

    Jesus visits the temple
    Luke 2: 42 Jesus visited a temple for the first time. His parents left and didn't realise they left Jesus. Jesus was there for days learning from the teachers.
  • 12


    Mark 6: 3 Jesus works as a carpenter in Nazareth from 12 to 30.
  • 30


    Acts 2: 38-41 Jesus was baptised by John Dominic Crossan in the River of Jordan.
  • 31


    Jesus performs lots of miracles including Luke 9: 12-17 feeding a town known as feeding the 5000, Matthew 14: 22-33 walking on water and more.
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    The last supper

    The last supper
    Mark 14: 22-25 This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. Jesus took some bread and said take it; this is my body.
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    Matthew 28: 6 He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.
  • 34


    Mark 15: 6-14 Jesus carried the cross on his back all the way to were he was going to be crucified. He let himself get killed for us.