Jesus’ birth of a virgin, as announced by the angels.
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Jesus’ visit by the wise men, who follow a miraculous star to Bethlehem.
Jesus’ move to Egypt, after an angel’s direction.
Jesus’ presentation in the temple, when Anna and Simeon miraculously know that Jesus is the Messiah
Jesus’ announcements to Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman that he is the Savior.
Jesus’ move back the Nazareth, after an angel’s direction.
Jesus’ baptism, when the Father speaks from heaven.
Jesus’ resistance to Satan’s temptations and the angels’ aid to him the wilderness.
Jesus’ first Passover in Jerusalem, when he wows the scribes.
Jesus’ death, when he completes his work to save us: “It is finished!”
Jesus’ resurrection, when the Father puts his seal of approval on Jesus’ work.
Jesus’ ascension, when the Father receives him back to his throne of glory.