402056 jesus


By lejjzz
  • Birth

    -- Not actual date. Born between 7-2 BC.-- Jesus, son to Mary and Joseph, is born. Bible Reference: Luke 2:1-7
  • Period: to

    Jesus Christ

  • Boy Jesus in the Temple

    Boy Jesus in the Temple
    --Not actual date-- Jesus, as a child, wanders into the temple in Jerusalem. His parents leave without realising they left Jesus behind.Jesus dosent realise he is lost and he stays in Jerusalem. After a while, Jesus' parents realise he is lost and go back to Jerusalem to find him. Bible Reference: Luke 2:41-52
  • Jesus is Baptized

    --Not actual date-- Jesus is baptised in the river Jordan by John the Baptist. When he is being baptised, he hears the voice of God calling out to him. Bible Reference: Luke 3:21-22
  • Temptation of Jesus

    Temptation of Jesus
    --Not actual date-- Jesus wanders into the wilderness and meets the devil. The devil tries to tempt Jesus into showing his power for bad in exchange for the kingdom and other things. Jesus goes without food for 40 days and nights. Bible Reference: Luke 4:1-13
  • The Good Samaritan

    The Good Samaritan
    --Not actual date-- Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan to children in Judeah, saying that all people should live that way, loving each other and helping others. Bible Reference: Luke 10:25-37
  • Zaccheaus

    --Not actual date-- Zaccheaus meets Jesus in Jericho and admits the sins he has committed. He gives back to the people and he recieves salvation. Bible Reference: Luke 19:1-10
  • Jesus Heals 10 Lepers

    Jesus Heals 10 Lepers
    --Not actual dates-- Jesus is travelling between the gates of Samaria and Gallilee and he comes across a village. In the village there are 10 lepers, The lepers call out to Jesus, "Jesus, please have mercy on us!" Jesus walks over to the lepers and tells them to go see the priests in the village and they will be healed. They go there and get healed, but only one of the lepers believes and has faith in God, He comes back to Jesus to pray and say thanks. Bible Reference: Luke 17:11-19
  • Jesus and the Children

    --Not actual date-- Jesus visits Jerusalem and there are children interested in Jesus and what he does. Some of the children wander near him but Jesus' disciples keep them back. Jesus tells his disciples to let them come and Jesus gives the children a blessing. Bible Reference: Mark 10:13-16
  • The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    --Not actual date-- Jesus is in Jerusalem during passover. He is having a festive dinner with his disciples and announces that he will be betrayed by one of his disciples - but not sure who. He also shares around and shares some bread: the body of Jesus and red wine: the blood of Jesus. He says to bless others with wine and bread and know that Christ is within us all. Bible Reference: Luke 22:14-23
  • Gethsemane

    --Not actual date-- Jesus and his disciples go to Gethsemane garden to rest for the night. Jesus tells his disciples to stay and keep watch while he goes to think. Jesus goes into a house and sweats blood because he knows he will die soon. He goes back to his disciples and chews them off for falling asleep. Judas,one of the disciples, arrives with a coupl temple guards and tells them to arrest the man he kisses. Judas goes and kisses Jesus and the guards arrest him Bible Reference: Mark 14:32-46
  • Crucifixion

    --Not actual date, he died in 33 AD-- Jesus is taken to Jerusalem. From there, he is taken to Pontius Pilate where he is sentenced. He gets a flogging and is sentenced to crucifixion when he says to Pilate that when he dies, he will be in heaven, with God, sitting on his right side. Bible Reference: John 19:17-27
  • Death At The Tomb

    Death At The Tomb
    --Not actual date-- Jesus dies on the cross and is buried in his tomb. The burial people wrapped his body in a cloth blanket thing and placed his body in an unused tomb. A huge rock is placed over the entrance, sealing it shut. Bible Reference: Luke 23:44-56
  • Resurrection

    --Not actual date-- Jesus resurrects from the dead. Two women went to Jesus' tomb to annoint him with home-made oil. As the women went to the tomb, she found the rock had been moved from the entrance. The women went in and were suprised and terrified to see Jesus standing there alive. Bible Reference: Mark 16:1-8