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Jesuits from 1534- 1900

  • Aug 15, 1534


    Ignatius Loyola and six other men from the University of Paris—Francisco Xavier, Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laínez, Nicolás Bobadilla, Peter Faber, and Simão Rodrigues— established the Company of Jesus
  • Period: Aug 15, 1534 to

    Jesuit History

  • Oct 17, 1534


    Henry VIII declares himself head of the Chruch of England so that he could divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    Indian expansion

    Francis Xavior arrives in Goa, India, working to evanglize until his death ten years later
  • Oct 2, 1580

    Asian Expasnion

    Jesuit missionaries arrive in tibet.
  • First Jesuit Mission to North America

    The Jesuits established a mission on Penobscot Bay in 1609.
  • "Three Blind Mice"

    "Three Blind Mice"
    "Three Blind Mice" is published by London teenage songwriter Thomas Ravenscroft.
  • 1st Mission to America

    The Jesuits established a mission on Penobscot Bay.
  • Secret Instructions of the Jesuits

    Supposedly a document written by the Jesuits, it had methods to be adopted for the acquisition of greater power and influence for the Jesuits. It is considered a forgery.
  • North American Martyrs

    North American Martyrs
    French Jesuits were tortured and killed by the Iroquois.
  • Jesuits establish a station

    Jesuits established a station near present-day Green Bay, Wisconsin.
  • Exploration of Mississippi

    Exploration of Mississippi
    Jesuit Father Jacques Marquette and French-Canadian explorer Louis Jolliet explored the Mississippi river
  • Mustard Invented

    Mrs. Clements of England markets the first paste style mustard
  • The Jesuits are suppressed.

    A decree signed under secular pressure by Pope Clement XIV in July 1773 suppressed the Order.
  • Beginning of Revolutionary War

    Beginning of Revolutionary War
    The Parliament of Great Britain declares Massachusetts in rebellion.
  • Supression is lifted.

    The supression of the Jesuits is reversed.
  • St. Ignatius is founded.

    St. Ignatius is founded.
    John Farr founded St. Ignatius High School
  • Alamo

    The Alamo is surrounded by Santa Anna's army
  • First Electric Bus

    The first electric bus becomes operational in New York City.
  • Holocaust

    Over 152 Jesuits gave their lives during the Holocaust.
  • Nicolås Elected

    Nicolås Elected
    Father Adolfo Nicolás, SJ was elected 30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus