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Jessie Macmillan Anderson Chase

By rscharn
  • Birth

    Cincinnati, OH
  • Period: to

    Taught English & Latin at The Cedars School

    Washington, DC
  • Graduated from Smith College

    approx date
  • Lessons for a First Year in English Grammar published by John B. Alden NY

    grammar text for children
  • Period: to

    Taught at Holman-Dickerman school

    Chicago, IL
  • "The Old and the New in Education" published in Education magazine

  • Period: to

    Taught at Miss Pratt's school

    Chicago, IL
  • 60 Composition Topics published

  • "Nous Avons Change Tout Cela" published in St. Nicholas

    letter to the magazine
  • "Tell Us a Story" published by Dial mag

  • Period: to

    Three Freshman serialized in St. Nicholas Mag

  • A Study of English Words published by American Book Company

  • "Outside and Inside Weather" poem published in St. Nicholas

    reprinted in a number of newspapers in 1897
  • Period: to

    Taught at Mrs. Ball's School

    St. Louis MO
  • "What Should the Literary Work of a School" presentation at Mrs. Ball's school

    open to public, St. Louis, MO
  • Married to Robert Savage Chase

  • Three Freshmen published by McClurg

  • Literary Women of St. Louis feature

    includes photograph!
  • Among the Women's Clubs: Presentation from A Study of English Words

    in St. Louis MO
  • "Golden Mean of the Greek" woman's club presentation

    St. Louis, MO
  • Leads Social Science Club Education discussion

    St. Louis, MO
  • "The Golden Mean: The danger of epigrams and the safety of poise" published in Boston Transcript

  • "An Earth Marriage" published in Life mag

    won 2nd place prize
  • "A July Dinner" published in Life mag

  • Mayken, a child's story of the Netherlands in the 16th century published by McClurg

  • "Ludella's Spool School" republished in Davenport newspaper

  • "April" poem republished in Buffalo newsp

    originally in Youth mag ?
  • First Child: Elizabeth LeBaron Chase Born

  • "A Spool School" published in St. Nicholas mag

  • "Wanted: A New Woman's College" published in Harper's Bazaar

  • "Fiction is growing better in American magazines" mention

  • "Betty's Friends" published in The American Magazine

  • Twins Born: Charles Chauncey and Josephine Leverett Chase

  • Twins Die

  • Alphabet Poem republished in Winfield Daily Courier

    originally in life mag ?
  • Daughter of the Revolution published

  • "The Great Cross Road" published in The Designer and the Woman's Magazine

  • 1"Outside and Inside Weather" poem reprinted 16 years later in Iowa newspaper

  • Member of Newburyport Women's Club

  • Period: to

    Taught at Milton Academy in Boston

    unclear dates
  • Chan's Wife published by Marshall jones Company

  • "How to Become a Poet" Rock Island Illinois newspaper mention

    seems to poke fun at her
  • Positive Review of Chan's Wife with picture!

  • "Outside and Inside Weather" poem reprinted 24 years later in Dayton

  • The Story of Paul Revere, Junior children's book published by WA Wilde Co, Boston

  • Death