Baby alice sleeping

jessica swan

By casolyn
  • the proudest moment of my parents life lol

    the proudest moment of my parents life lol
  • first day of school

    first day of school
    school is started dang it
  • i broke my first bone

    i broke my first bone
    it was awsome cause i made every body do stuff for me and it didnt even hurt lol
  • second broken bone

    second broken bone
    same thing as my first one but this time i couldnt play soccer i was so mad
  • broken big toe

    broken big toe
    this was funny cause my toe got so big and black
  • broken ribs

    broken ribs
    this was stupid i flipped over my bike
  • first day of middleschool

    first day of middleschool
    middle school dang it i hate school
  • highschool

    still hate school
  • moving

    i moved cause my mom didnt like the house we were living in cause it was to small well she says lol
  • graduated

    yes i am out of school finally dang it now i have collage
  • collage

    collage boooooo
  • puppy

    he is so cute and wrinkling
  • puppy

    a she is so cute tiny
  • i meet my boyfriend

    i meet my boyfriend
    he is a famous singer
  • kids

    i had my twins a boy and girl
  • grand kids

    grand kids
    my first grand kid
  • grand child

    grand child
    i grandchild mayle
  • my husband

    my husband
    my husband gets a brain tumer
  • husband

    my husband dies and we give hin a funeral
  • me

    i died when i was 100