Jessica's Development Timeline

  • Development of trust

    Jessica, at the age of 8 months, cries out for her mother because she is hungry. Like most times Jessica calls to get her needs met, her mother comes to her crib to feed her a bottle. Jessica’s discomfort is relieved by her main caregiver.

    In Erikson’s first stage, trust vs. mistrust
    The crisis is whether to establish trust that your needs will be met by the people you rely on or to become mistrustful of your environment when you are not adequately cared for.
  • Christmas Responsibility

    At almost 8 years old, Jessica has been told to get herself dressed for Christmas service at church. Using her knowledge of her family’s culture, she is able to select an appropriate outfit for this occasion. She takes the initiative to pick out her best shoes and a nice dress.
    In Erikson’s fourth stage, industry vs. inferiority
    The crisis is whether she can adapt to her culture and master the skills to fit in or if she will experience inferiority due to lacking the necessary education.
  • Soccer Coach

    Jessica, in her late forties, has decided to help coach her daughter’s soccer team. Instead of focusing on her own needs, she is spending her time helping children learn about the sport and about healthy lifestyle choices.

    In Erikson’s seventh stage, generativity vs. stagnation
    In this crisis, one must make an effort to either use their time to help others, especially younger generations, or focus on personal gains.