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Jessica Dunn 6M

  • Jan 1, 1160

    Robin Hood was born

    Robin Hood was born
    Robin Hood was an archer and an out law as he stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespere was born

    William Shakespere was born
    He created aprox 1500 words and phrases shakespere was the most popular play write ever.His most popular play was Romeo and Julliet.
  • Apr 13, 1570

    Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
    Guy was a soilder .he tried to blow up King James on the 5th of November.
  • Guy Fowkes tried to blow up the King

    Guy Fowkes tried to blow up the King
    Guy did'nt like the King as Guy was catholic.
  • Edward Jenner was born

    Edward Jenner was born
    Edward Jenner ,who was a english doctor,had a medical break through with his discovery of vaccinations.He saved millions of lives.
  • Baden Powell was born

    Baden Powell was  born
    He invented the boy scouts
  • Queen Elizibeth the second was born

    Queen Elizibeth the second was born
    Queen Elizibeth II is our soveriegn Queen ,she has 4 children Anne,Charles,Edward and Andrew .Her husband is Prince Phillip.She lives in the majestic Buckingham palace.
  • Elizibeth II corination

    Elizibeth II corination
    She was corinated when she was just 18 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!