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Jesse and Bailey 2012 Year in Review

  • The artist wins acadamy award

    The artist wins acadamy award
    Michel Hazanavicus accepts the oscar for best picture film "the Artist." in the 84 academy awards.
  • Vladimir Putin Elected as Russias President

    Vladimir Putin Elected as Russias President
    Vladimir Putin got elected as Russias president, although there were protests in Moscow because many people voted more than once.
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
    in the 2012 London Olympics USA won with 104 total medals China came in second 88 total medals.
  • Neil Armstrong Died

    Neil Armstrong Died
    -1st man on the moon
    --July 20. 1969 he walked on the moon
    -He and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon
  • Chris Stevans Death

    Chris Stevans Death
    -He was killed when a mob attacked a U.S. consulate in the city of Benghazi.
    -He died at 52
  • Free Fall Record

    Free Fall Record
    -Drop from 24 miles
    -Once went up too 833 MPH
  • Lance Armstrong

    Lance Armstrong
    -banned for life from cycling
    -stripped from titles
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    -NYC closed public school because of the storm
    -the governor of NYC close 2 major tunnels to Manhattan and many bridges
  • Obama gets reelected

    Obama gets reelected
    -Mr. Obama winning at least 303 electoral votes.
    -Mr. Obama’s re-election extended his place in history, carrying the tenure of the nation’s first black president into a second term.
  • Gangnam Style

    Gangnam Style
    -Gangnam style pass 1 billion views on youtube.
    -142,478,630 views and counting by 1/7/13.