Spanish-American War Zach, Zach, Cole, and Chris

  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

  • U.S. attempt to purchase of Cuba

    U.S. attempt to purchase of Cuba
    President Franklin Pierce tried to buy Cuba from the Spanish but was shot down when they said "They would rather see Cuba sunk in the ocean." The South wanted Cuba for slavery reseasons and for the agricultural value. Showed how we were always interested in Cuba. Another reason we wanted Cuba was for manifest destiny.
  • Cubans First War for Indepedence

    Cubans First War for Indepedence
    Cuba's first civil war started between 1868 through 1878. It wasn't successful, but the Cuban people did force Spain to abolish slavery. After that, America developed an interest. America felt like they should get involved in this because we wanted Cuba and we disliked the Spanish. The only reason we don't get involved is because of timing. We just finished our own civil war three years ago.
  • End of Cuba's first rebellion

    This one was created to show the timespan of the first rebellion. 1868-1878
  • José Martí leads war for independence

    José Martí leads war for independence
    Marti was a Cuban poet and journalist who led the revolution. He used guerilla warfare and deliberately destroyed property, including American owned sugar mills and plantations. Marti wanted to provoke U.S. intervention because he wanted a free Cuba - "Cuba Libre!" But also for another reason he wanted us to help.The people of Cuba believed he was a hero in their eyes. Second rebellion could've been avoided if Spain would of lived up to their first promises that they made in the first rebellion.
  • Valeriano Weyler

    Valeriano Weyler
    General for Spain that was sent into Cuba when the second rebellion began to restore order in the country. Herded Cubans into concentration camps. He did that to stop civilians from being able to aid people that were with the rebellion. Some of the Cuban population died from being put in these camps by starvation. This is alarming to Americans- but not enough to go to war with Spain. America wants to protect its investments, but Weyler's actions give America a moral reason to fight.
  • The Yellow Press began to shape American public opinion.

    The Yellow Press began to shape American public opinion.
    The Yellow journalism is a sensational style of writing that exaggerates stories to lure readers in. The New York Journal and New York World incorporated this style of writing, to lure people into wanting to join the fight in Cuba.
  • Publication of the De Lome Letter

    Publication of the De Lome Letter
    Private letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish minister to the United States. In the letter he called McKinley "weak" and wanting admiration from the people. Caused the Spanish government to apologize and the minister to step down. Americans were still angered over the insult. America also wanted something to be angry at Spain for.
  • Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine

    Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
    The U.S.S. Maine was bringing home American citizens due to the increasing danger in Cuba, and it blew up in the harbor at Havana. Over 260 men were killed. Many Americans think that the Spanish blew up the ship, and it just fed the outrage against Spain. "Remember the Maine" became a rallying cry for war against Spain.
  • U.S. of A. declares war on Spain

     U.S. of A. declares war on Spain
    American citizens grew anxious over time to start a war with Spain. Reasons for wanting this war was to make Cubans free and to protect some of America's investments like the sugar cane mills. Another reason for the war was when Spain was accused of destroying the USS Maine.
  • American blockade

    American blockade
    The naval battle that followed, along the Cuban coast, ended in the destruction of the Spanish fleet. U.S. Admiral William T. Sampson was one of the major leaders that helped the U.S. blockade the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. McKinley ordered a call for people to join the fight and 125,000 military volunteers joined the following day.
  • The Battle of Manila Bay

    The Battle of Manila Bay
    This is the first battle of the Spanish-American War. The US Asiatic attacked the Spanish off the coast of Manila, Phillapeans. 400 Spanish sailoris were killed during this battle. This was a big step for the United States because they won the first battle of the war, which is a big step in becoming a world power.
  • Capture of Puerto Rico

    Capture of Puerto Rico
    Puerto Ricans developed many different political parties, some of which sought independence for the island while others, headquartered like their Cuban counterparts in New York, preferred to ally with the United States. Spain proclaimed the autonomy of Puerto Rico on November 25, 1897.
  • U.S. Forces Invade Cuba

    U.S. Forces Invade Cuba
    An army of 125,000 joined the fight for Cuba. The fight started off with a blockade of the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. The Americans soon won Kettle Hill which resulted in capturing San Juan Hill. In the picture Admiral William T. Sampson was the one that sealed up the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Santiage de Cuba.
  • Battle for Kettle/San Juan Hill

    Battle for Kettle/San Juan Hill
    The most famous land battle for Cuba included the Rough Riders and Teddy Roosevelt. The Rough Riders and Teddy didn't play the a major key in taking over the San Juan Hill but were declared the heroes by the newspaper. They forced the Spanish fleet to try fleeing where they were destroyed by the American navy and then allowed U.S. troops to invade Puerto Rico.
  • Destruction of the Spanish Fleet

    Destruction of the Spanish Fleet
    On this day the American fleet steamed there way to the Philippines where Commodore George Dewey ordered them to open fire on the Spanish fleet. They destroyed every Spanish ship there. Also, when the Spanish fleet tried to escape the blockade of Santiago every ship was destroyed which resulted in the armistice.
  • Armistice is signed between U.S. and Spain

    Armistice is signed between U.S. and Spain
    The United States and Spain signed a ceasefire agreement, after the Spanish fleet was destroyed and the United States invaded Puerto Rico. John Hay, the Secretary of State, called it a "splended little war." Since most of the fighting only lasted a few short weeks.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The United States met with Spain in Paris to agree on a treaty. Spain ended up freeing Cuba, and turned over Guam and Puerto Rico to the Untited States. Spain also sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million. More U.S. troops were harmed by suppressing the Philippines than defeating the Spanish.
  • The Spanish Surrender the Philippines

    The Spanish Surrender the Philippines
    After the United States destroyed the Spanish fleet, American troops were able to land on the Philippines. The Filipinos joined the Americans in fighting the Spanish. In August, Spanish troops surrendered in Manila, and Spain sold the Philippines to America for $20 million