Jenna Horton Timeline

  • At 6 months old, Jenna was used to being hungry often. She has just been transfered to her 3rd foster home, in hopes that this one will provide adequate care.

    At 6 months old, Jenna was used to being hungry often. She has just been transfered to her 3rd foster home, in hopes that this one will provide adequate care.
    In Erickson's first stage, Trust vs. Mistrust, the crisis is developing trust in caregivers, or failing to depend on adults and developing mistrust. Jenna had been placed in multiple different homes, with multiple different caregivers who failed to provide adequate care for her, resulting in a mistrust towards adults. (Photo:
  • Jenna starts preschool but finds herself getting in trouble often for her aggressive behaviors. She feels guilt and doesn't understand what she is doing wrong, since her behaviors are not disciplined at home.

    Jenna starts preschool but finds herself getting in trouble often for her aggressive behaviors. She feels guilt and doesn't understand what she is doing wrong, since her behaviors are not disciplined at home.
    This is Erickson's 3rd stage, Initiative vs Guilt. The crisis here is becoming assertive and leading, or failing to acquire these skills and becoming self-doubtful. Because Jenna does not receive proper discipline at her new foster family, and witness violence, she repeats these behaviors at preschool and doesn't understand why it's not acceptable. This results in guilt feelings and a tendency to overpower her peers. (Photo:
  • Highschool is almost over, and Jenna finds herself worrying that she will be alone forever. She spend most days in her room, isolating from peers.

    Highschool is almost over, and Jenna finds herself worrying that she will be alone forever. She spend most days in her room, isolating from peers.
    Stage 6 of Erickson's timeline is Intimacy vs isolation. The crisis here is forming healthy relationships and bonds outside of family, or living in isolation alone. Because Jenna was a bully in her school years, she was not able to make many friends. She isolated herself and battled depression because of this. (Photo: