Jen's 3 Events

  • Jen Picks Her Clothes

    Jen Picks Her Clothes
    Jen (3) picks out a shirt and pants and dresses herself. Her mom tells her that she made a good choice by picking pants and how good her shirt looks with them. Jen feels good about picking her own clothes. This is Erikson's second stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt where the crisis is in developing distinct self and making own choices or developing shame and doubt if punished or not allowed to make own choices.
  • Jen Learns to Read

    Jen Learns to Read
    Jen (6) reads and answers questions on her worksheet on her own. Her teacher tells her that one of the questions is wrong, but that he knows Jen can find the right answer if she reads the paragraph again. This is Erikson's fourth stage, Industry vs. Inferiority- a crisis of competency from encouragement against inferiority from discouragement. Jen has a teacher who gives her the confidence that she can figure things out and learn, so she feels proud and confident in learning.
  • Jen Sees Motherhood

    Jen Sees Motherhood
    Jen (40) helps her 12 year old son prepare his science fair project. She feels happy to help him and fulfilled in how she has raised him so far and the adult he will become. This is Erikson's seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation, where fulfillment comes in guiding and helping the next generation and caring for others.