
Jen Arnzen EDRE 2204

  • Born on April 12, 1995

    Born on April 12, 1995
    Born on April 12, 1995 in Portsmouth, Ohio.
  • Summer 2009 babysitting

    Summer 2009 babysitting
    Starting the summer of 2009 I started watching these two young boys who were six and eight. I have always known I wanted to be a teacher because I love watching children learn and grow. I also want to leave an impact on my students lives. These two boys taught me a lot and I am glad I got the opportunity to watch them grow into smart young teens.
  • April 11, 2013 Signed with SSU Women's Basketball team

    April 11, 2013 Signed with SSU Women's Basketball team
    I have grown up around Shawnee State Basketball and always wanted to play for the bears. I am thankful that I got the opportunity to play for one of the most successful programs in the NAIA D1!
  • Graduated High School 2013

    Graduated High School 2013
    Graduated High School in 2013 from Portsmouth Notre Dame High School.
  • Mid South Conference Regular Season and Tournament Champs 2016!

    Mid South Conference Regular Season and Tournament Champs  2016!
    Winning the MSC regular season and tournament champs was a great accomplishment for our team, program, school, and community. Our hard work payed off!
  • Enrolled in Teaching Phonics

    Enrolled in Teaching Phonics
    I hope to learn how to teach children how to read and more about teaching phonics. I also hope to learn different activities to help children learn how to read!