Jehovas Witness

By ghite3
  • Jehovas Witness Creation

    Charles Taze Russell forms a Bible study group in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, laying the groundwork for the movement.
  • ZIon's Watch Tower + Herald of Christ's Presence

    Russell begins publishing Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, the primary publication of the movement
  • Headquarters Relocation

    Headquarters of the movement relocates to Brooklyn, New York.
  • "Last Days"

    Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jesus' invisible reign in heaven begins, marking the "last days."
  • Death, New leader

    Charles Taze Russell dies; Joseph Rutherford becomes leader.
  • Adoption of Name

    The movement adopts the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” to distinguish itself from other Christian groups.
  • Teaching changes

    The organization reinterprets its teaching on the “generation” that will see the end times.
  • God's guidance

    Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses declares itself the sole channel of God’s guidance.
  • Present Day

    Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to operate worldwide, with over 8 million members and a focus on door-to-door evangelism.