Ap world history

Jeffrey Moncada 8,000 B.C.E. - 600 C.E.

  • 100

    Buddism introduced in china

  • Period: 100 to


  • 120


    Antipater, a Greek author living on the Phoenician coast, lists the seven wonders of the world
  • Period: 127 to

    Pax Romana

    Time of peace and limited expansion by military forces.
  • 150


    The Phoenicians discover that a blob of molten glass can be puffed out to form a hollow vessel
  • Period: 206 to

    Han Dynasty

    An imperial dynasty of china, preceded of china
  • 250

    Theravada doctrine codified

    Theravada doctrine holds that only a monk can attain nirvana and that the laity can only aspire to be reborn as a monk after many reincarnations.
  • Period: 256 to Oct 4, 1100

    Zhou Dynasty

  • 300


    Phoenicia is brought into the new Hellenistic empire, changing hands frequently between contending successors of Alexander
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Emperor Constatine I issued this document, ending the persecution of christianity and Guaranteeing freedom of worship to christians and all others
  • Period: 320 to 550

    Gupta Dynasty

    An ancient empire that covered the indian subcontinent
  • 323

    Dies at Babylon in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II

  • Period: 323 to 356

    Alexander the great

  • 326

    Wins Battle of River Hydaspes against Porus; Bucephalus dies

  • 330

    roman capitol moves to constantnople

  • 331

    Founds Alexandria. Wins Battle of Gaugamela against Darius

  • 331

    Founds Alexandria. Wins Battle of Gaugamela against Darius

  • 332

    Wins siege of Tyre; attacks Gaza, which falls

  • 333

    wins the Battle of Issus against Darius

  • 334

    Wins Battle of the Granicus River against Darius III of Persia.

  • 336

    Alexander becomes ruler of Macedonia

  • 356

    alexander is born at pella, macedonia

  • Period: 400 to 500

    height of greek city states

  • 404

    Peloponnesian War ends. Athens’ empire is dismantled.

  • 406

    Attila is born

  • Period: 406 to 453

    Attila the Hun

  • 407

    Socrates meets Plato. A meeting that will eventually reshape the world.

  • 431

    Peloponnesian War begins

  • 431

    Peloponnesian War begins

  • 433

    attila becomes ruler of the huns

  • 451

    Defeat of Attila at Chalons

  • 452

    The pope persuades Attila not to sack Rome

  • 453

    Attila dies

  • 470

    Socrates born

  • Period: 500 to Oct 4, 1000

    Bantu migrations

  • 532

    Nika Riots

  • Period: 532 to 540

    Endless Peace' with the Persian king Chosroes.

  • 533

    General Belisarius overthrows the Vandals in Africa and annexes it

  • 536

    Belisarius occupies Rome.

  • 537

    Goths besiege Rome. Belisarius successful in Italy.

  • 541

    Belisarius fights against Persia.

  • 546

    Gothic King Totila captures Rome.

  • 547

    Belisarius drives out King Totila.

  • 552

    Death of King Totila. Narses takes Rome.

  • 562

    Belisarius dies.

    Justinians general
  • Period: 562 to Oct 4, 605

    Nebuchadnezzar II is king of Babylon.

  • 565

    Justinian dies

  • Oct 4, 700


    The island of Sicily is colonized from the eastern Mediterranean by both Phoenicians and Greeks
  • Oct 4, 700


    The Greeks make the Phoenician alphabet much more flexible by the addition of vowels, from alpha to omega
  • Oct 4, 1000


    The abacus is used as an everyday method of calculation by Phoenicians and Babylonians
  • Oct 4, 1000


    Tyre and Sidon have by now replaced Byblos as the dominant cities within Phoenicia
  • Period: Oct 4, 1045 to

    the shang period

  • Oct 4, 1100

    Pheonicians war

    The Phoenicians develop the war galley, with a sharp battering ram in the bow
  • Period: Oct 4, 1155 to

    Kassite Dynasty rules over Babylonia.

  • Oct 4, 1220

    Babylon is under Assyrian control.

  • Oct 4, 1500

    hittites develop iron

    hittites develop iron
  • Oct 4, 1500

    printing invented

  • Oct 4, 1500

    Pheonician writing system

    The first steps towards a phonetic alphabet are taken in Phoenicia
  • end of amorite rule

  • King Mursilis of the Hittites sacks Babylon. Beginning of Babylonian "dark ages."

  • Period: to

    Life of Hammurabi, king of Babylon.

  • Hammurabi of Babylon destroys Mari.

  • The code of Hammurabi

  • Hammurabi of Babylon conquers Uruk and Isin.

  • Amorite dynasty established in Babylon.

  • Birth of Jesus

  • Death of Jesus

  • Period: to

    St. Paul

    Was a missionary for the christian religion
  • destruction of the second temple

  • Period: to

    The Height of Harrapan civilization

  • Babylonian king Nebuchadnezar captures Jerusalem.

  • Fall of Babylon, conquered by Cyrus of Persia. Return of the Jews.

  • Babylon is destroyed by Xerxes, King of Persia.

  • Code of Justinian.

  • Frankish invasion of Italy. Belisarius overthrows Goths in Italy.

  • Goths take Rome.

  • Belisarius saves Constantinople from the Bulgars

  • Socrates executed on charges of brainwashing the youth.

  • Phoenicians

    Citium, in Cyprus, is the first of many Phoenician colonies in the Mediterranean
  • Phoenicians

    Hiram, the Phoenician king of Tyre, is an enthusiastic trading partner of King David in Jerusalem, and later of Solomon
  • Phoenicians

    The Phoenician cities, liberated from Babylonian rule, willingly accept inclusion in the Persian empire
  • Gunpowder developed

  • Socrates fights in Battle of Mantinea as a hoplite (armored soldier). Battle is lost. Socrates would have been around 52.

  • Period: to


  • Period: to 565


  • Period: to 470


  • Period: to

    Jewish exile in Babylonia. Old Testament is written.

  • Period: to 563

    siddhartha guatama

    A sage whose teachings founded Buddhism.
  • Period: to 551


    A philospher that began the confucianism religion.
  • Period: to

    The Height of the Egyptian civilations

  • first code of laws by Urukagina, king of Lagash.

  • Pheonician

    Trade lnks, probably by sea in Phoenician ships from Byblos, are established between Egypt and Phoenicia
  • Byblos

    Byblos (modern Jbeil) evolves to become the most important seaport and city of Phoenicia
  • Pheonician region

    modern Lebanon from around this date
  • Use of bronze in Egypt and Mesopotamia

    Use of bronze in Egypt and Mesopotamia
  • cuneiform writing begins