Peter Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson's father, patented 1,000-acre tract which became Monticello.
Thomas Jefferson born at Shadwell.
Thomas Jefferson attended the College of William and Mary. (1760 - 1762)
Elected to House of Burgesses.
Married Martha Wayles Skelton.
Wrote A Summary View of the Rights of British America.
Elected to Continental Congress.
Drafted Declaration of Independence. Elected to Virginia House of Delegates. Appointed to revise Virginia laws.
Elected delegate to Congress.
Served as first United States Secretary of State. (1790 - 1793)
Served as United States Vice President. (1797 - 1801)
Served as United States President. (1801 - 1809)
Louisiana Purchase concluded. Lewis and Clark expedition launched.
University of Virginia opened.
Died at Monticello, July 4.